word you can hide being gay....being of negro heritage, you cannot, unless maybe you are Chris Humphries where you can pass as a tanned californian possibly
Once again, saying this pretty much infers that IF you could HIDE being black to avoid discrimination, you would. And then it'd be all good. If that's how you feel, its a damn shame, and the point is that people shouldn't have to hide who they are their entire lives because of intolerance just to be accepted and enjoy the rights everyone else has.
The point of the comparison to black folks is not to lesson what they've been through or have a pissing contest on who's been more persecuted, its simply to make a connection to what is at the heart of this whole thing and that is civil rights. Basic human rights. And when someone says "civil rights", the most immediate and predominant issue you think of is the saga of African Americans in America. So it's only a sad irony that so many black folks today are so socially conservative and share the same opinions on the subject as your average reckneck in Mississippi.
I'm not black or gay. I'm a straight, white, well-off male in America. I have no personal vested interest in any of these causes. And yet I'm all for human rights for every group of people because, Jesus Christ, lets get out of the fukking stone ages already and become more advanced as a society.
You really want to be the right side of these things when they write the history books on down the line.