manga: what you reading brehs....


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
SxF Ch. 76

Anya's imagination running wild again.





Blue Box Ch. 91

Now it makes sense why Yumeka is how she is with that backstory. Hopefully getting ticket is the push for her to be friends with Chi again.




Mar 11, 2022
Finsished reading Beck in like a week or so. Renewed my interest in learning guitar somewhat, but not enough to actually take it seriously lol


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Heavenly Delusion Vol 4

Robin is confirmed to be alive, but he thinks that both Kikuri and Haruki are both dead. Damn :/. Meanwhile this academy looking mote fukked up by the volume. So basically it is run by female and males are just there for breeding. :huhldup: Not to mention the shock at the end when Satawari didn't get selected as the next director. They def in a panic with Tokio getting pregnant because they fear if a revolt were to occur. Now it looks like the two sides of the story is about to come together. :ehh: Vol 5 comes out in English at the end of the month, so gonna wait on that before continuing this.


















Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Okay, I'm enjoying what's going on right now quite a lot.

I must admit the long, drawn-out fight opposing Guts & the mercenaries in the forest was a rather dull moment for me. I get that his undeniable victory over 100 opponents definitely solidifies him as this unstoppable fighter for the rest of humanity; but his fighting style, and maybe the author's drawing style too, made those action sequences pretty repetitive and didn't allow for much choreography, which in turn led to my disinterest, especially given that the stakes were low (in addition to this happening early in the manga, Guts is already known as being pretty much invulnerable. Getting shot with arrows doesn't bother him). The goofy villain didn't help make the scenes better but the one slightly redeeming point for me was the variety in the mercernaries' armors and looks that is still very nice to look at. I don't think any of those soldiers wore the same shyt.

The battle scenes in general are not what I find myself liking much so far, except for the duel between Boscogn and Guts that was DOPE! The paneling and artstyle really served the fight much better than the previous ones and knowing that Boscogn was not a regular minion but a threatening foe upped the ante.

This battle and the following chapters really made me ponder about the evolution of the artstyle so far. Is it me or the drawings are getting better and better already, especially for the main cast? I don't know what was the rhythm of publication for the manga... Maybe I'm tripping because I'm reading intermittently, but it seems to me the lines are way sharper and the faces clean and with nice depth, even at hard angles. It gets more and more visually stunning coming into the political arc as the variety that is seen on the battlefields with the armors is also applied to the nobles and townfolks' garbs. You can enjoy so many different hairstyles and interesting looking clothes, swarming with details during the celebration held for Griffith and his crew. Usually, when it comes to fantasy takes on medieval times, I feel like you don't see much originality for common dress that's outside of the realm of armor. But here, the ceremony wear seems to have been given particular attention, and even though I'm pretty sure it doesn't always make perfect sense (it's fantasy, it doesn't have to), it is still a marvel to look at. Special mentions to Griffith's triple sleeves, Guts inverted-coat with short sleeves and the Queen's apparel.

As I was saying, the battles are aight, but the behind-the-scene politics and Guts' self-reflection is where it's at for me, at the moment. I find it very interesting that he's already the strongest and wants to find his own path, even if in a way, it could seem like he's still acting on what Griffith said about who he'd recognize as a true friend. I guess him bodying the 100 men in a somewhat boring manner helps reinforcing this point that this shyt is not about strength or becoming the strongest on the battlefield. He already is. It's another type of quest. Breh looking for a dream, a goal.

This conductive narrative thread about dreams is pretty interesting so far and the supporting cast draws a lot from it. I want to see where it brings the crew.

Oh, and finally, the short bald conspirator's face and the tall Queen's terrifying stature are everything.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Heavenly Delusion Vol 1

Seems pretty interesting so far :ehh: . The outside world looks incredible fukked. And the thing with people having the same face. Is it possible that different minds can be put into the same looking bodies. Also the switch between the inside and outside constantly is an interesting choice so far.


















Just remembered I had read the first volume and did not know what to think about it at all


Valar Morghulis
Feb 10, 2017
Baltimore, MD / Charlotte, NC
This last MHA chapter was surprisingly alright considering nothing really happened until the literal last page. I don't really give a damn about this Toga storyline and he's having to rewrite how her Quirk works because otherwise she'd end this war on her own.

Shinso finally getting shine at the end of the series. :beli:


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
New series on Shounen Jump. 6 chapters looks solid so far. :ehh: . Good setup so far.

Yoru and Kanata both are the suspects in the case. Where the difference is that Yoru is attacking woman out of pleasure, but Kanata is doing out of self defense. At leasr based on what we know.






















All Star
Apr 10, 2014
CSM Ch. 122

We almost 30 chapters in part 2 and still more setup is being done. Another wtf was that panel with them all falling off:mjlol:




Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018



Okay shyt just got real.

Manga gets flipped on its head as soon as Guts leaves. I didn't expect what followed to happen even though I heard Griffith sometimes lost control of the situation. But in the blurry vision I had for the rest of the series, he was to continue his schemes at least for a bit, step by step, marry shorty and become King somehow. Something pretty linear in terms of storytelling. Him never departing from his calm also helped sell the idea that he could get away with anything, even fukking the King's daughter.

But nah. Breh had the most brutal fall-off ever right after getting win after win. And it seems that there was nothing to justify this but him being upset that Guts left him. That whole part was fire.

Guts gets another demon-like prophecy by a skeleton cavalier. Shouldn't have read the comments on that one because it seems that it'll come to fruition and he might lose his crew and himself, but I'm not sure yet if it's real or even if death has a real meaning in this manga, you know? It seems we have some fantasy elements simmering in the background as of now, so I wouldn't be surprised if at some point some characters were to die to be reborn after, with special abilities or things like that.

All in all, skipping past Guts finding the rest of the crew and whooping the Indian warrior, Casca and him get down to business.

Breh. Their kiss was pretty well done, romantic and shyt. Even if Casca is annoying asf to me, it was cool.

Then the manga turns full-blown hentai. Okay. shyt is mature, whatever. Sex scene, let's get it.

Then Guts has a flashback of his own rape :snoop::gucci::mjtf:

Man, when I tell you I had to take off my glasses, put them down and contemplate the emptiness for a while. I did NOT expect that whatsoever. Goddamn man. I don't even know what to say about that.

I don't even know how to read Guts anymore, because it could explain some things about his character or maybe be unrelated, and a little bit like in real life, you don't want to reduce people to their trauma, you know? But damn. Right before that, he says to Casca that "nobody would lie their way into having this many scars", referencing the truthfulness of her previous feelings for Griffith. But given what is revealed next in the same chapter, I can't help but ask if Guts lied himself into all his scars, meaning if his devotion to fighting is really inborn or if it's the result of the sick shyt that happened to him?

Oh, and that comes somewhat right after the King trying to rape his own daughter and licking her nipples. Disgusting shyt.

That strangely leads me to the art. Man this shyt is good. The King, so far, was depicted both literally and figuratively as this grave guy with values. But when his perversion was brought to the light, his face and entire attire became overshadowed with black and he is drawn almost as a demon or a beast, especially next to his daughter who has no shadow at all.

Griffith regularly goes through such changes too when he gets in "that mode". I don't know if that's when he's very serious or just showing his true nature (his "dirty side" as he called it earlier), but his lines become much more curved, he gets that baroque aesthetic that also makes him look like a malign demon. This depiction is all the more visible when he has sex with the King's daughter; the panels are dope and very impressing in composition. He looks like another-worldly being that envelops her or even seems to consume her.

You see similar principles applied when it comes to the drawings of the Indian warrior. He is drawn almost as slim as Casca, but he's all in aggressive curves. At some points, he looks like a praying mantis. The art for his duel against Guts was great and conforts me in my opinion that the 1v1 duels are the best part of the action scenes shown so far, by far.

Environments are very nice too and accompany nicely the characters. The waterfalls behind Casca as she leaves her emotions out, the tree roots between which the couple are nested (they aren't worried of bugs getting in their buttcracks?), all of that is pretty nice.

Last remarks:
1. I keep on noting that Guts and Griffith's ears are mad pointy. This is sus.
2. Arrows really don't do shyt.
3. I was wondering why, this far in the manga, we still didn't have no type of flashbacks whatsoever, just allusions. I guess this is coming now huh. Damn. Am I ready? :sadcam: I'm probably not ready :snoop:


Valar Morghulis
Feb 10, 2017
Baltimore, MD / Charlotte, NC
CSM Ch. 122

We almost 30 chapters in part 2 and still more setup is being done. Another wtf was that panel with them all falling off:mjlol:


Another Primal Devil. I'm IN. :blessed:



Okay shyt just got real.

Manga gets flipped on its head as soon as Guts leaves. I didn't expect what followed to happen even though I heard Griffith sometimes lost control of the situation. But in the blurry vision I had for the rest of the series, he was to continue his schemes at least for a bit, step by step, marry shorty and become King somehow. Something pretty linear in terms of storytelling. Him never departing from his calm also helped sell the idea that he could get away with anything, even fukking the King's daughter.

But nah. Breh had the most brutal fall-off ever right after getting win after win. And it seems that there was nothing to justify this but him being upset that Guts left him. That whole part was fire.

Guts gets another demon-like prophecy by a skeleton cavalier. Shouldn't have read the comments on that one because it seems that it'll come to fruition and he might lose his crew and himself, but I'm not sure yet if it's real or even if death has a real meaning in this manga, you know? It seems we have some fantasy elements simmering in the background as of now, so I wouldn't be surprised if at some point some characters were to die to be reborn after, with special abilities or things like that.

All in all, skipping past Guts finding the rest of the crew and whooping the Indian warrior, Casca and him get down to business.

Breh. Their kiss was pretty well done, romantic and shyt. Even if Casca is annoying asf to me, it was cool.

Then the manga turns full-blown hentai. Okay. shyt is mature, whatever. Sex scene, let's get it.

Then Guts has a flashback of his own rape :snoop::gucci::mjtf:

Man, when I tell you I had to take off my glasses, put them down and contemplate the emptiness for a while. I did NOT expect that whatsoever. Goddamn man. I don't even know what to say about that.

I don't even know how to read Guts anymore, because it could explain some things about his character or maybe be unrelated, and a little bit like in real life, you don't want to reduce people to their trauma, you know? But damn. Right before that, he says to Casca that "nobody would lie their way into having this many scars", referencing the truthfulness of her previous feelings for Griffith. But given what is revealed next in the same chapter, I can't help but ask if Guts lied himself into all his scars, meaning if his devotion to fighting is really inborn or if it's the result of the sick shyt that happened to him?

Oh, and that comes somewhat right after the King trying to rape his own daughter and licking her nipples. Disgusting shyt.

That strangely leads me to the art. Man this shyt is good. The King, so far, was depicted both literally and figuratively as this grave guy with values. But when his perversion was brought to the light, his face and entire attire became overshadowed with black and he is drawn almost as a demon or a beast, especially next to his daughter who has no shadow at all.

Griffith regularly goes through such changes too when he gets in "that mode". I don't know if that's when he's very serious or just showing his true nature (his "dirty side" as he called it earlier), but his lines become much more curved, he gets that baroque aesthetic that also makes him look like a malign demon. This depiction is all the more visible when he has sex with the King's daughter; the panels are dope and very impressing in composition. He looks like another-worldly being that envelops her or even seems to consume her.

You see similar principles applied when it comes to the drawings of the Indian warrior. He is drawn almost as slim as Casca, but he's all in aggressive curves. At some points, he looks like a praying mantis. The art for his duel against Guts was great and conforts me in my opinion that the 1v1 duels are the best part of the action scenes shown so far, by far.

Environments are very nice too and accompany nicely the characters. The waterfalls behind Casca as she leaves her emotions out, the tree roots between which the couple are nested (they aren't worried of bugs getting in their buttcracks?), all of that is pretty nice.

Last remarks:
1. I keep on noting that Guts and Griffith's ears are mad pointy. This is sus.
2. Arrows really don't do shyt.
3. I was wondering why, this far in the manga, we still didn't have no type of flashbacks whatsoever, just allusions. I guess this is coming now huh. Damn. Am I ready? :sadcam: I'm probably not ready :snoop:
I envy and pity you all at once being able to experience Berserk fresh like this. It's one of the darkest, most disturbing, and beautifully complex series of all time.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Yumeochi Ch. 6

She really gonna be patient for him to catch up.








Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018


Okay, so I kinda went on a slight reading binge :o: so much so that I might not remember perfectly everything that happens since Guts and Casca became a thing. I'll do my best though.

Casca and Guts

Let's start with them: Casca and Guts make a surprisingly great couple. At least to me. They actually handled the aftermath of Guts' sudden remembrance of his trauma very well, and contrarily to what I expected, the subject wasn't just teased and buried only to resurface much later. Guts, who seemed laconic up until now to me, confided in Casca right away, summed up what happened and she showed compassion and support. :ohhh:

She's been annoying me since the beginning, but she displayed a brand new side of her by deciding to give instead of always being the one to receive help :ohhh:

Maybe I'm forgetting, but I don't remember seeing much couple stuff in mangas. Usually, even in anime that revolves around love, the characters don't make it to forming couples until the very end, and the intricacies of that sort of relationship are never really displayed. It seems like the whole point is to make it there, and once you reach this stage, it's happily ever after. As if the tension and interesting stuff could only happen in the pre-couple phase.

Here, they gottogether much faster than I would have expected given my experience with this medium, and even faster than Guts himself wanted it since he aimed to reach a level of self-knowledge and determination that would make him deserving of Casca before shooting his shot. But like IRL, shyt doesn't happen when or how you want it.

It doesn't even stop there, because there could have been another common trope in which the characters could have fallen in right afterward: Guts saying he still needs to leave to find himself. But the smart man said Casca can come with him if she wants and she accepted :ohhh:

And all along the chapters, while being well aware that Casca still has deep feelings of admiration for Griffith, Guts just rolls with it with no jealousy on some "it is what it is, I like dude too :yeshrug:" :ohhh:

Leave it to me to appreciate the couple dynamics the most in Berserk of all artworks :mjlol:

Giant meatball and the Girffith's rescue mission

They then set to free Griffith while part of the crew stayed behind... They shouldn't have :huhldup: first meaningful interaction with... The other world? The demons? Magical monsters? Since Guts took the fight to Zodd, and it wasn't pretty.

I really like that the manga took so much time before diving deeper into this aspect, which I expect will take over the whole thing from where I'm currently at until the end. But yeah, the lil boy saw a creepy butterfly floating in the night while he had gone to draw water from the river, and came back to see his homies turned into a giant meatball by insect-monsters. I was convinced he was about to die but he surprisingly made it out.

Guts and the rest of the main cast except for Corkus reached the tower of rebirth and we learned about the legend of Midland's origin... I'll circle back to that later.

They found Griffith whose body had been destroyed. Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I could have expected, even if it was terrible. I think the worst part is the symbolism of these psychos caging his head in a helmet that mocked the one he had when he was a commander. That part is sick as fukk. But he still has both eyes, they didn't cut his dikk off... Even though they still fukked him up bad :francis: can't stand, talk, none of that. At this point, tbh, I was persuaded he would somehow get his body back by some magical way and I still am. His design is too iconic for him to stay in that state and I don't see him operating as a mastermind cripple for the rest of the series. I thought it would happened in the aptly-named "tower of rebirth" though.

Guts and his crew fought the Indian assassin crew. What's up with Miura and Indian fighters :russ: their design and fighting methods were dope though, especially the tall lanky one who was scary asf.

My favorite character during this entire part is a surprising one: the princess' maid. I don't know why, but I liked her and was terrified she would die. She stayed scared the whole time in some kind of adorable way, but still managed to be helpful and a comic relief. The fact that she always was the least important character on the pages during this passage made her so vulnerable with this author that I was scared she'd be used to prove a point. She made it out alive though :whew:

Then the King decides to unleash the Monkey on them :sadcam: I was scared of him. His gang did that family the worst way. shyt was disgusting. Using their desacrated bodies as flags :scust::damn:

The Hellish Festival
The fact that Guts somehow managed to get a win over him makes me wonder if he's special, somewhat like Griffith :jbhmm: I mean, is he just a very strong human or does he have some kind of magical power or crazy fate?

Moving to the hellish festival... Welp. I guess there's no going back to normalcy and regular warfare after that. Entire crew gets devoured by a surprisingly diverse array of monsters (some interesting designs in there). I don't have much to say about it besides that it seems to be the series turning point. Griffith really sacrificed his entire crew. Is this what yall be talking about when yall go on these "Griffith did nothing wrong" debates? Or am I confusing with Guts? Because I can already tell yall that that shyt was wrong asf, no ifs and buts about it :heh:

The sequence where he engaged with the rest of the god hand members showed more about his ambition and his feelings about what's going on, but what he really thinks about Guts is still a mystery. It seems like he has some kind of love-hate crush on the dude, while it's all love on Guts' side. That part, I 'm really wondering how it's going to evolve next, because I'd expect Guts to become Griffith's rival but he needs to wake the fukk up and realize he's a piece of shyt first.

What's next?

Another intriguing narrative thread is the role of the skull-mask cavalier in all of this. It seems like he was the general of Ancient Midland that unified the continent, but his whole country was destroyed. What I'm wondering is this: they showed the bodies in the buried city and they all had that sacrifice symbol on their head. Does that mean that a mass-sacrifice happened, similar to the one Griffith declared for his comrades? If that's the case, it can't be the skull-dude that wished it, right, since he's not part of the god-hand?
Unless that plays a role into why he's standing against Zodd in that storm and seems to be antagonistic against the rest of the demons?

Could it be that there are multiple factions amongst the demons/magical creatures, with their own agenda? The "fairy" that we see following the lil boy, sole survivor of the second team that tries to catch up with them, doesn't seem to have evil intentions, and is even cool with regular humans (or what appears to be regular humans), which left me confused and intrigued;

Finally, can we have Casca not suffer a rape attempt every 5 chapters? That last one in chapter 81 doesn't make sense, for real. The monsters apparently had no interest in anything else than eating the soldiers. So the monsters can get horny or cruel? If that's the case, why didn't they rape none of the male soldiers? Monsters are only interested in women bodies? That was corny, and the fact that it happens so often also lessens the impact of it. I already know that Casca will somehow find herself butt-ass naked in her next fight, just because.


Valar Morghulis
Feb 10, 2017
Baltimore, MD / Charlotte, NC


Good analysis of the events you've witnessed so far, there are a few misconceptions but you'll be happy with the progression, or as happy as one can be with Berserk.

And yeah, THAT is what they're talking about when they say Griffith did nothing wrong and that's why we're always shytting on them for blatant lies.