Man of Steel (2013)


Stanning has its benefits...
Feb 11, 2013
Jor-El's dialogue had a n*gga feeling all swole up in the chest.

How this n*gga make me wanna become a better human being?


That's one thing I loved about this movie. Jor-El was the man! All the characters were well cast and believable as people. Supe showed emotion and also overcame anger. That's what was missing for me in the last one... Everyone was so wooden. I even liked the 2nd in command chick because she was so badass...
May 2, 2012
thetown to global
I guess I'm on of those old school purists.

I would've loved the movie if it wasn't supposed to be Superman. The action was great, casting and acting was superb.

really?! They couldn't stretch the romance even a little? The Lois Lane/Superman/ Clark Kent arc took decades and they holding hands halfway through the movie :mjplease:
correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Supe choose the colors of his suit based on the American flag? So umm how did Jor-El make the suit for him?! I know it's no longer the Cold War era and "Truth, Justice and the American Way" won't go over in some markets but at least let the man make his own suit ala Spidey. This I could get over tho.

so I guess Supe and lex didn't know each other in high school and they weren't best friends. If Supe is 33 in this movie, Lex is either gonna be a twenty year old with a head full of hair or a 70 old dude. Or they are gonna try and insert the friendship in flashback scenes and I will scream bullshyt the whole time. This movie made a strong point about Clark's isolation growing up, which I actually liked. But by doing that they pretty much have to leave out the Clark/Lex friendship which takes away some of the dynamic for me.

between the fetus trees, Morpheus and colonel dde I felt I was watching a Matrix movie. I was a little confused about the codex and genesis part and wanted them to explain more earlier, especially since when I saw the fetus tree I immediately thought Matrix. But once they explained it was alright.

Like I said, I liked the story, it just wasn't Superman to me. I suppose I'll get over it because DH loved it... But he also never read the comics.

To address some of your points

1. This is fair. But I guess since the Lois/Clark thing became the blueprint for a lot of superhero relationships (like Peter/Mary Jane), the whole cat and mouse game with his identity and all that might be a bit too redundant at this point. I get your complaint here, tho either way works fine with me.

2. To modernize Superman, you have to take him away from the whole personification of the American way thing, at least on the surface. Even in the comics, Superman has now renounced his American citizenship and is basically on Earth to serve the WORLD, not USA's interests. Of course this also helps to make the movie appeal to a global market, and makes sense that an alien who feels like an outsider would embrace all of humanity, and it'd be kind of ethnocentric to be like "well yeah, mericuh".

He still reps smallville and is instilled with values from his parents tho, and even said "I'm from Kansas, that's as American as it gets" ... so they didn't forsake that aspect, just toned it down and made him less of a walking propaganda of the past.

3. Lex and Kal being friends was something that wasn't canon nor prevalent in most Superman mediums. Smallville the TV show is the one that made that a popular thing I think, as well as some of the modern takes of the origin story. But most incarnations of their relationships usually begin when Superman shows up in Metropolis, so this isn't a big deal to me. Plus I always felt it was hard to to buy Lex, being the super genius he is, not figuring out that Superman is Clark Kent if he KNEW Clark Kent for years already.


Stanning has its benefits...
Feb 11, 2013
To address some of your points

1. This is fair. But I guess since the Lois/Clark thing became the blueprint for a lot of superhero relationships (like Peter/Mary Jane), the whole cat and mouse game with his identity and all that might be a bit too redundant at this point. I get your complaint here, tho either way works fine with me.

2. To modernize Superman, you have to take him away from the whole personification of the American way thing, at least on the surface. Even in the comics, Superman has now renounced his American citizenship and is basically on Earth to serve the WORLD, not USA's interests. Of course this also helps to make the movie appeal to a global market, and makes sense that an alien who feels like an outsider would embrace all of humanity, and it'd be kind of ethnocentric to be like "well yeah, mericuh".

He still reps smallville and is instilled with values from his parents tho, and even said "I'm from Kansas, that's as American as it gets" ... so they didn't forsake that aspect, just toned it down and made him less of a walking propaganda of the past.

3. Lex and Kal being friends was something that wasn't canon nor prevalent in most Superman mediums. Smallville the TV show is the one that made that a popular thing I think, as well as some of the modern takes of the origin story. But most incarnations of their relationships usually begin when Superman shows up in Metropolis, so this isn't a big deal to me. Plus I always felt it was hard to to buy Lex, being the super genius he is, not figuring out that Superman is Clark Kent if he KNEW Clark Kent for years already.

1. I thought about it and I love what they did with LL. So they get a pass.

2. I get that. And it makes complete sense BUT I feel like having the suit come from his bio dad instead of mom loses a bit of symbolism. IIRC his mom made his original suit and I see him accepting it as him accepting the responsibility to protect humans from humanity itself. A bit of reach, I admit. I'm not explaining it very well. I guess getting the suit from Jor-El makes the messianic themes work better (which I'm not sure I like)

3. But I like that part!

I decided I like the movie.

Edit: I remember seeing the Lex/Clark thing in the original cartoon tho
May 2, 2012
thetown to global
1. I thought about it and I love what they did with LL. So they get a pass.

2. I get that. And it makes complete sense BUT I feel like having the suit come from his bio dad instead of mom loses a bit of symbolism. IIRC his mom made his original suit and I see him accepting it as him accepting the responsibility to protect humans from humanity itself. . A bit of reach, I admit. I'm not explaining it very well. I guess getting the suit from Jor-El makes the messianic themes for better (which I'm not sure I like)

3. But I like that part!

I decided I like the movie.

Nah I feel you 100% on the suit thing. I'm glad I walked in with the mentality of not comparing it to traditional superman mediums so everything was :krs: to me, instead of :whoa:

Plus I guess since I'm kind of young the Dorner movies were ahead of my time so I never appreciated them as much as a lot of others here do.

:salute: tho, happy to see Superman get some props on this board

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
Amy Adams is fine to me. not supermodel fine but good looking common woman fine.

I liked Amy Adams as Lois but she is plain girl cute. They should have got that chick who looks like her hotter sister, Isla Fisher.
