Man Im overthinking again...damn it


Jun 2, 2012
What did you decide to do? :lupe:

I said it earlier in this thread... i hit her up yesterday, told her the restaurant and then said we can hit up this nice sports bar/pool hall that isnt too far from the restaurant. She asked what time....i told her 6.....she said "sounds great"

I havent played pool in like a year and im not that great anyway, dont really know all the rules, but whenever ive been with a chick playing pool I always have fun, it allows you to have some fun yet still talk.


Jun 2, 2012
Im at the point now, where im not going to super analyze something. I will toss an idea out there, if they are down, so be it, if they suggest something else cool. If we go out and never talk again then so be it.

I will give you an example:

Chick hits me up on okcupid, says she went to high school with me (she knew my name), but she is 3 yrs younger then me (she is straight beautiful). Dont recognize her at all, we exchange messages. She use to be in the military now she works in IT working for this company that contracts with the military. Somehow she mentions this concert that is coming up for this old school group that I would have never imagined her being into. I told her how I love the group, and then she tells me she has an extra ticket because all her friends think she is an old lady for wanting to go and she cant get anyway to go with her . She invites me, I said sure. She gives me her number, we exchange messages for a couple days and then I didnt hit her up for like 2 days. She sends me a text at like 730 am saying good morning and how she hopes I have a great day. I reply a few hours later, and we havent talked since. Dont know whats up with her, but shyt what the hell do I have to lose, Im going to send her a text and try to set something up, find out what her schedule looks like this coming week. Plus the concert is next week, are we riding together or taking seperate cars

My text is going to say: "So whats up, Im I going to have to wait until the concert to see you?". I will be able to tell from her response if she just wants me as some simp friend


Dec 11, 2012
Im at the point now, where im not going to super analyze something. I will toss an idea out there, if they are down, so be it, if they suggest something else cool. If we go out and never talk again then so be it.

I will give you an example:

Chick hits me up on okcupid, says she went to high school with me (she knew my name), but she is 3 yrs younger then me (she is straight beautiful). Dont recognize her at all, we exchange messages. She use to be in the military now she works in IT working for this company that contracts with the military. Somehow she mentions this concert that is coming up for this old school group that I would have never imagined her being into. I told her how I love the group, and then she tells me she has an extra ticket because all her friends think she is an old lady for wanting to go and she cant get anyway to go with her . She invites me, I said sure. She gives me her number, we exchange messages for a couple days and then I didnt hit her up for like 2 days. She sends me a text at like 730 am saying good morning and how she hopes I have a great day. I reply a few hours later, and we havent talked since. Dont know whats up with her, but shyt what the hell do I have to lose, Im going to send her a text and try to set something up, find out what her schedule looks like this coming week. Plus the concert is next week, are we riding together or taking seperate cars

My text is going to say: "So whats up, Im I going to have to wait until the concert to see you?". I will be able to tell from her response if she just wants me as some simp friend


There you go my nikka...

Just keep it simple