I think you are mistaken there you deepthroat specialist. No one here hates Drake, no one here knows the man to "hate him". People here are just spitting facts. Now while no one here hates him, there are people here, men specifically, who love him. You guys love this man. I wish you would just admit that, instead of moving goalposts and creating things that aren't there. Y'all don't love his singing. Y'all love his singing when it's fixed and edited. So much to the point that it's not even his voice.You say he doesn't know how to sing but people LOVE his singing. Same way people LOVE his rap or the way he delivers raps if you wanna go for the he doesn't write angle.
His whole musical style is very easy on the ear and catchy. At the very least even if you hate him and don't think he writes it's undeniable that niqqa has the Midas touch. I seen too many people of all ages react to his music (including myself ) to think otherwise.
At the end of the day all this bullshyt can be talked but as long as people connect with the music what can you say really? that you don't like him? Ok then move on and talk about who you like because this niqqa isn't going anywhere as long as he delivers that product
Would you listen to his music if he sounded like this all the time?
Hell no. So you don't love his singing. You love his edited, Tampered with singing. I listen to Marvin Gaye live albums because I love his singing.
That's one.
Second of all. He can't rap. The same way people who ride training wheels, never walk around saying that they know how to ride a bike. He can't rap. He can emulate, well. And I'll give him that. He can stay inside the lines and color, but he can't draw the picture.
Third of all, you don't love his music. You love other people's music. You don't love Hold On We're going home, you love Majid Jordan. The ideas, the feelings, the emotions don't belong to him. They belong to other people.
So that begs the question. If he doesn't write it, can't sing it, doesn't produce it, then what is it that you love? It's him. As a vessel. You love Drake. Just say that though. The same way women love him. If you're supporting Drake right now, then you're no different than a bielieber or whatever the hell they're called. You're just in it for the face.
There nothing bullshyt about appreciating artistic integrity. Nothing at all. It's a thing, and I'm not really into brands. I do love to connect with music. Just like I do with all art forms that I take part in supporting.
Especially Hip Hop, because it's the genre that most AA's have created and grown with. So we respect it more than anyone else.
I like knowing my favorite authors actually wrote their words.
My favorite directors were on set everyday forming their visions.
My favorite producers out the time in the make sure every kick and snare was on time.
Because that's what being human is all about. Individuality, and the fact that no one can do you, the way that you can.
Drake just isn't that.
It's really as simple as that.
I lost for writing this out
Last post in this thread though
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