Every other post is about how white ppl won't let blk ppl be.
"Damn this cracka had the nerve to come my house and ask me to put on my shirt and to mow my lawn"
"These crackas kickin blk folks out of the dangerous GHETTOS."
" these crackas tearing down the war torn, crime ridden projects"
"Damn these crackas ain't providing no jobs"
"These crackas givin us bad schools"
"These crackas this, these crackas that,...."
God damn mothafukka. Blk ppl take responsibility. Are there any other ppl in the world that are as dependent on the white man (or any other group ) for solutions yet blames the white man for all the problems as well.
I don't deny that there were programs back in the day but today the majority of problems that are affecting blacks are caused by blacks. How can u blame a white man when a black man murdered another black man for wearing the wrong colors or stepping on his shoes or looking at him wrong? Yeah life ain't fair but you gotta change ya outlook
Poor schools typically have kids from broken families. The family structure is so important. You can build new schools and have new students acting like baboons and fools. I've seen it.
Teach ya kids, teach them about history, to love, to be respectful, about taxes, about credit, about sex, marriage, relationships.
I'm sure white ppl on the daily are not thinking about how to destroy blk ppl. Everybody just wants to be happy and safe. Yeah there are racists but not all
Discuss... Correct me if I'm wrong