not sure how i felt about that episode really.
the episode wasn't very good and seemed like an easy way of putting, basically the main woman in Dons past behind him.
Henry doesn't see him as any sort of rival..took his milkshake while Don meekly left.
the doctor and his wife (another one of Dons ex lovers) laughed at Dons latest bit of cooze and he got swindled by Meagan and her mother.
this waitress..i couldn't muster anything for her..couldn't care less.
thankfully she called it off before Don could get into husband mode again with this drip of a woman and saved Don and us all.
so Bettys got her life, we've had Meagans farewell and it all ends up with Don alone and now its time for the ends wheels to start rolling.
Roger, Megans Mom and Harry
Betty going into psychology