They'll get over it in 2 weeks....
Hahahaha silly cacing won't ever stopCheck out this comment from the comment section:
Seth Rogan Outchea giving Macklemore that work ...
that my wu-tang loving fozzy bear sounding jew...
Never seen so much Tel Aviv dik eating in my life Donald Sterling just told yall nikkas what they think about yall and rushing hop on macklemore....
c00ns gonna c00n i guess
much like Downey, and the Mr. T costume, I don't see the problem. There was no exaggerated mockery of characteristics. There was in the Serena Williams costume (Serena is also a real person, no need to exaggerate her ass, and hair, that's mocking).
Nick Canon imo isn't being racist painting himself white, he's not reinforcing any negative stereotype. He's just playing a white dude.
Pretty sure they were pissed off about Nick Cannon. Didn't he also get boo'd at the MSG?Shocking that a white person finds nothing wrong with racist caricatures....
Wait, why would his career be dead? Are you guys trying to say that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power in the entertainment industry? Isn't that exactly what David Duke says? Jeez guys, cool it with the conspiracies!
what u tryna say about Penguin and Jewish people?To my black eyes I see Cacklemore dressed as Penguin's retarded son
...but as long as cacs are mad
My understanding is that this was meant to be a positive portrayal. I still need to see this movie, but I can't get up the stomach for it yet. Kind of like with Birth of a Nation, except Birth was intentionally negative where The Jazz Singer would be like.. Eight Mile?