Pegasus Jackson
Trump's Amerikkka
No Limit Albums P released in the Bay Area/Ricmond >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No Limit Nawlins
Charge it 2 the game or Tru 2 the game for me. Give me the world was my shyt from charge it 2 the game though.No limit had so many bangers and they all had everybody presence on them, i can't pick a clear cut best. Charge it 2 the Game might be it for me.
Found this album on streaming. Be All You Can Be was my song.
He ever get out of jail?
FOH you contrarian ass bumNo Limit Albums P released in the Bay Area/Ricmond >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No Limit Nawlins
Agreed, however I feel World War 3 might even be better than bothLIES... C Murda Life And Death EASY....
I also preferred this Mac and Nas song over the Master P version because you get 2 Mac verses lol. He should've never gave Master P that first verse.
Mac's second verse >>>>>
That's trueyou wouldve never heard this song if he didnt give master p the verse for the 2nd version tho.
which was pretty much master p's plan, to showcase mac alongside nas.
Nas aint show up down there to do a song with mac.