Came in here to hate but...
Her skin is flawless
Smile is immaculate
Edge is just me feeling a type of way about my line up right now...about to call my barber right now...
This can be taken as a "tiny" win in the black community...cause I am not buying for one second that anybody at that magazine thinks Lupita is the most beautiful anything...but...somebody...somewhere...made the call and said...This little black girl did a slave movie...won an hollywoods next big thing...everyone loves her...YOU BETTER PUT HER AT THE TOP OF YOUR MOST BEAUTIFUL LIST OR ELSE
And she keeping it dating that Ka'naan dude when everyone was trying to push that "she dating some white hollywood dude"
Don't get to happy though black people...cause white people don't see Lupita like they see you...Lupita is a worldly black woman from a country they never been to with a name they can't pronounce correctly who is so graceful and pretty and poised...not like the common black person who is lazy, dumb, ignorant, etc...white people see Lupita as a black they see Will Smith as a black man.
Cheers though, anytime a black woman with natural hair can get some shine...I'm all for it