Jack Don the G
What am I? A farmer?
Great song one of my favorites but the video doesn't explain anything that isn't already obvious
Yea was just about to say this.
I usually love these videos, but this one was meh.

Not much of a breakdown, more matching images to words.
And I have no idea how the video maker came up with the idea that the bones are the sins.
"Bones are the sins.
Skin covers the bones.
Body is the life's work (full of bones).
Anatomy is the study of the body.
Therefore, If one studies this body of work, one will understand the bones (anatomy will be the death of me)."
This is just rambling.

It doesnt break down any lyrics he is just giving us his idea what the song is about basically.
While I do agree with him that it could be about sins I think the song is more complex than the video maker making it sound to be.
I think one narrative of it is about him and Chilly experience with selling drungs which I mention here: http://www.thecoli.com/posts/11868667/
I also see it as the threshold song between the different "sides" of the album. One going from "heaven" to "hell" and one going from "hell" to "heaven".
Some would say the Prisoner song is threshold but I see that song more of a "purge" from the sins going into the light. Or when falling from heaven given a body that imprisons him and later exposed to sins in "body of work".
There is also a lot of eastern themes in body of work that he fail to mention or just scratches the surface on.
He totally miss that the "Sanskrit dance on the page of the dead book" is about the Tibetan book of the dead and not kamasutra.
He probably thought that Lupe is talking about kamasutra (sex) as a way of sin when he is in fact talking about how to get enlightened (going to heaven) by meditating on the idea of your own death.
Tibetan munks often meditate at cemeteries where they burn bodys. When you realize that your own body will one day die your ego will die and you will see your own nature.
This is why people are transformed when having near death experiences.
I would say the whole third verse is about going beyond your body and mind.
"Am I night, am I black, am I light? -Duality, "the threshold".
Have I been this? -Questioning his own existence. Zen munks are using koans ("riddles" to trick your mind to go blank) with questions that cant be answered by logic. commonly -"who am I?"
Realize my begin when I find where my end this" -Meditating on your death will set you free from your ego and you are "reborn".
Like I said, the song is definitely about sins like the video maker suggesting. But he's doing a lot of reaching, making too quick conclusions, not breaking down of lyrics and missing some of the most vital parts of the song.