Dude shytted all over balboa in act 1 of the original, called him a waste of LIFE, gave his locker away, put his stuff on skid row...
Then he gets the title fight
This leech ass motherfukker rolls up to rockys house and disrespects him and asks to be his manager.
nikka you shytted on me for ten years, now you wanna help me?
Then, in the fight this COWARD tells rocky to STAY DOWN when knocked down instead of going the distance...his entire life was defined by that last few seconds and this hoe mick wanted to throw it in the bushes
THEN in 3, he straight up says to rocky that he CAN NOT WIN vs lang, that he shoulnt face him and refuses to manage him. p*ssy.
Then he has the audacity to DIE leading up to the fight???
RIP Apollo Creed
RIP Adrienne
Then he gets the title fight

This leech ass motherfukker rolls up to rockys house and disrespects him and asks to be his manager.

Then, in the fight this COWARD tells rocky to STAY DOWN when knocked down instead of going the distance...his entire life was defined by that last few seconds and this hoe mick wanted to throw it in the bushes
THEN in 3, he straight up says to rocky that he CAN NOT WIN vs lang, that he shoulnt face him and refuses to manage him. p*ssy.
Then he has the audacity to DIE leading up to the fight???
RIP Apollo Creed
RIP Adrienne