Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
On topic, I've said this before but, a lot of these cats are either circus fans (strictly 'E only wrestling fans) or not wrestling fans to begin with. They're only here to troll like other LAME wrestling message boards or patrol the AJ appreciation thread
Now I bash the 'E, but that's due to the utter lack of respect the company holds for the business, has held for the business for quite some time and the wrestlers who beat themselves to shyt for it...or die for it. It's bigger than just bad booking/ideas...this Vince dude is evil. Him and his family. It's only a circus, and the wrestlers are side show attraction freaks. That dude is sick in the head.
If you press these cats, they'll retreat on some "dude, it's not that serious, it's just entertainment" when trying to debate anything intelligible and live in a cloud of insecurity and denial about their own presence here in the TSC.
Just like wrestling fans who watch 'E and think it's a legit wrestling program, they just want to be entertained...nothing else. No deep thought, no analyzing, just mud slinging and blind favoritism.
If I've offended anyone, that's not my intention. It's also not my intention to turn this into a 100% serious board, the jokes are needed to deal with the headache of modern pro wrestling. I just think we all, including myself, can do a lot better...