Low Key, leighton and liggins are the 2 worst things ever to happen to TSC

Are these 2 the worst thing to ever happen to this beloved forum?

  • Yes, and thank you for bringing this up..they ruin everything

    Votes: 18 58.1%
  • nah, i'm on their bandwagon, I love to read about iron phalluses and switch SNs every week

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • I'm just glad they keep their sorry ass in this forum and don't go to the colisuem or others, ever

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • osu sucks

    Votes: 11 35.5%

  • Total voters

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO

On topic, I've said this before but, a lot of these cats are either circus fans (strictly 'E only wrestling fans) or not wrestling fans to begin with. They're only here to troll like other LAME wrestling message boards or patrol the AJ appreciation thread :beli:

Now I bash the 'E, but that's due to the utter lack of respect the company holds for the business, has held for the business for quite some time and the wrestlers who beat themselves to shyt for it...or die for it. It's bigger than just bad booking/ideas...this Vince dude is evil. Him and his family. It's only a circus, and the wrestlers are side show attraction freaks. That dude is sick in the head.

If you press these cats, they'll retreat on some " :whoa: dude, it's not that serious, it's just entertainment" when trying to debate anything intelligible and live in a cloud of insecurity and denial about their own presence here in the TSC.

Just like wrestling fans who watch 'E and think it's a legit wrestling program, they just want to be entertained...nothing else. No deep thought, no analyzing, just mud slinging and blind favoritism.

If I've offended anyone, that's not my intention. It's also not my intention to turn this into a 100% serious board, the jokes are needed to deal with the headache of modern pro wrestling. I just think we all, including myself, can do a lot better...



Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Ed acting like r=g jr with Orton has gotta be up there as well.

Yeah that shyt is lame and forced but beyond asking what brought it on I don't even comment on it. Guess it just isn't as real to me. :manny:

Damnit. :smugfavre:


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
The gym is not a shytty forum, friend. Maybe if you visited that place a few times people wouldn't refer to you as a hog. :mjpls:
ur mod pretended to not be an obese muskrat for 4 years. shytty is too good of a word for it.


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal

ur mod pretended to not be an obese muskrat for 4 years. shytty is too good of a word for it.

Don't know what you're talking about :smugbiden:

I do know that the gym is one of the few forums where trolls are dealt with and everyone is there to help each other.

tsc, gym>>>


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Let me get this straight? If i think HBKGOAT is the best in ring performer of all time, i am stupid? I think he is matter of fact, do i equate that with his success in other media? No, i think the Rock was an ok in ring worker, but gold on the mic, i think he is a great action star, but if i said HBK could put on better matches than he ever could or that there is no denying HBGOAT was part of some the top matches of the last 15 years i would be a sheep? Rock has been in some the most important angles of the attitude era and without him being so charismatic the E would have folded, i agree with that, so don't lump everyone in groups.

Francis. Think about you're saying. You're already reaching. What makes Michaels the best of all time? Truly? Can you ever answer that quesiton? Because no one at this site ever has. They like to talk about his peers putting him over but hate the facts, don't they? When he was on top in his prime, he drove viewers away. He got owned by the NwO str8 up. I'm not making it up. It's on every fukking Wrestling Observer there ever was. You think Michaels was great in the ring..that's cool. I've seen much better..Misawa, Benoit, Eddie, prime Mysterio, Steamboat, Savage, Jushin Liger, Great Muta, Danielson. This guy worked WWE style matches and did a ton of overselling and goofy shyt...would have crybaby fits with Vader in the ring or yell at Bret at WM 12 at the end of the match like a ho yet you expect me to believe he's great because all of these old timers are done with millions of dollars in their banks and want to put him over? Please. He wouldn't have no platform to do any of that shyt in the first place if not for Hogan, Savage, Andre, Warrior..and eventually Austin and Rock saving EVERYONE's asses.

You give Rock partial credit. Rock wasn't no "ok" worker..he was a very good ring storyteller..his matches had MUCH, MUCH more crowd involvement than Michels could ever dream of. He was at that point of greatness two years in when his Summerslam match had NY cheering for him over DX leaders left and right. Rock has had better matches with the same opponents Michaels has had too..except the Undertaker single's matches. That's about it.


Legalize us.
Jul 8, 2012
The North

On topic, I've said this before but, a lot of these cats are either circus fans (strictly 'E only wrestling fans) or not wrestling fans to begin with. They're only here to troll like other LAME wrestling message boards or patrol the AJ appreciation thread :beli:

Now I bash the 'E, but that's due to the utter lack of respect the company holds for the business, has held for the business for quite some time and the wrestlers who beat themselves to shyt for it...or die for it. It's bigger than just bad booking/ideas...this Vince dude is evil. Him and his family. It's only a circus, and the wrestlers are side show attraction freaks. That dude is sick in the head.

If you press these cats, they'll retreat on some " :whoa: dude, it's not that serious, it's just entertainment" when trying to debate anything intelligible and live in a cloud of insecurity and denial about their own presence here in the TSC.

Just like wrestling fans who watch 'E and think it's a legit wrestling program, they just want to be entertained...nothing else. No deep thought, no analyzing, just mud slinging and blind favoritism.

If I've offended anyone, that's not my intention. It's also not my intention to turn this into a 100% serious board, the jokes are needed to deal with the headache of modern pro wrestling. I just think we all, including myself, can do a lot better...

Damn good post and I agree with almost everything in it. But I've come to realize the variety of personalities and views on the current business we have here in TSC helps make this place more interesting. I got time for both serious booking and match threads, but I also enjoy the jokes. I've done a lot of reading on the history of the business and I'm interested in how it works and ways it can be improved, but I also laugh my ass off at a Vince McMahon segment.

We've got all types here. If it was 100% comedy here, it would suck, but if it was 100% serious hardcore wrestling discussion that would get boring too.

Just gotta find the brehs who share your views and spend most of your time reading those threads, while keeping your eyes open for other shyt you might be surprised to find entertaining (or, if you prefer, just avoiding them completely). Yeah you'll always find some posters whose posts are rarely worth reading, but you can't let that make you hate the place when there's so much good shyt goin' on here.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Francis. Think about you're saying. You're already reaching. What makes Michaels the best of all time? Truly? Can you ever answer that quesiton? Because no one at this site ever has. They like to talk about his peers putting him over but hate the facts, don't they? When he was on top in his prime, he drove viewers away. He got owned by the NwO str8 up. I'm not making it up. It's on every fukking Wrestling Observer there ever was. You think Michaels was great in the ring..that's cool. I've seen much better..Misawa, Benoit, Eddie, prime Mysterio, Steamboat, Savage, Jushin Liger, Great Muta, Danielson. This guy worked WWE style matches and did a ton of overselling and goofy shyt...would have crybaby fits with Vader in the ring or yell at Bret at WM 12 at the end of the match like a ho yet you expect me to believe he's great because all of these old timers are done with millions of dollars in their banks and want to put him over? Please. He wouldn't have no platform to do any of that shyt in the first place if not for Hogan, Savage, Andre, Warrior..and eventually Austin and Rock saving EVERYONE's asses.

You give Rock partial credit. Rock wasn't no "ok" worker..he was a very good ring storyteller..his matches had MUCH, MUCH more crowd involvement than Michels could ever dream of. He was at that point of greatness two years in when his Summerslam match had NY cheering for him over DX leaders left and right. Rock has had better matches with the same opponents Michaels has had too..except the Undertaker single's matches. That's about it.
Again you reaching, Rock had better matches with Y2J than HBKGOAT? Kurt? if so as you quote the wrestling observer, why is HBK an 11 time winner of the MOTY award? You think HBK is broke after headlining all those ppvs and selling all that dx merch? He is rumored to have made at 17 million during his last run. Prime Rey could never tell a story in the ring, he was a spot monkey, that is it. Eddie G is great, Savage is excellent but the way you rank HBK is crazy, the crowd was behind HBK in his matches against JBL and he even carried a beyond flabby and sick VKM to a match of the night at mania. If he didn't get the crowd going why did he draw so much heat in his feuds with the Harts? RKO yells at others also, so he gets a pass? Is RKO better than HBK? :snoop: Yes it is my right to say, Rocky was just ok in the ring, i am not putting him down or making derogatory remarks about him. I am asking an honest question did Rocky have a moty ? The only person i can say he did with was Stone Cold and HHH.


Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012

Damn good post and I agree with almost everything in it. But I've come to realize the variety of personalities and views on the current business we have here in TSC helps make this place more interesting. I got time for both serious booking and match threads, but I also enjoy the jokes. I've done a lot of reading on the history of the business and I'm interested in how it works and ways it can be improved, but I also laugh my ass off at a Vince McMahon segment.

We've got all types here. If it was 100% comedy here, it would suck, but if it was 100% serious hardcore wrestling discussion that would get boring too.

Just gotta find the brehs who share your views and spend most of your time reading those threads, while keeping your eyes open for other shyt you might be surprised to find entertaining (or, if you prefer, just avoiding them completely). Yeah you'll always find some posters whose posts are rarely worth reading, but you can't let that make you hate the place when there's so much good shyt goin' on here.

Back at you :salute:

One thing though...there's a difference between comedy and trolling. These cats are trolling...it brings down the forum as a whole, we're not as big as these other sections, some problems need to either be ironed out, or eliminated. We're not all gonna agree, that's evident, but we're not these other lame message boards on the net...we're the legendary Justice Lea--....uh, Squared Circle :whew:

...been watching JLU on netflix :manny:

Comedy = attack wrestlers, promotions, booking decisions

Trolling = attack individual posters for having dissenting opinions

Comedy is MORE than welcome, trolling is self-serving nonsense. They're not here for the benefit of the TSC... THAT's where the line must be drawn :birdman:

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI Feud of the Year (2008) vs. Chris Jericho
PWI Match of the Year (1993)[188] vs. Marty Jannetty on Monday Night Raw on May 17
PWI Match of the Year (1994)[189] vs. Razor Ramon in a Ladder match at WrestleMania X
PWI Match of the Year (1995)[6] vs. Diesel at WrestleMania XI
PWI Match of the Year (1996)[6] vs. Bret Hart in an Iron Man match at WrestleMania XII
PWI Match of the Year (2004)[188] vs. Chris Benoit and Triple H at WrestleMania XX
PWI Match of the Year (2005)[188] vs. Kurt Angle at WrestleMania 21
PWI Match of the Year (2006)[188] vs. Vince McMahon in a No Holds Barred match at WrestleMania 22
PWI Match of the Year (2007)[188] vs. John Cena on Raw on April 23
PWI Match of the Year (2008)[188] vs. Ric Flair at WrestleMania XXIV
PWI Match of the Year (2009)[190] vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXV
PWI Match of the Year (2010) vs. The Undertaker in a Career vs. Streak match at WrestleMania XXVI
PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year (2010)[191]
PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year (1995, 1996)[189]
PWI ranked him #1 of the top 500 singles wrestlers of the year in the PWI 500 in 1996 HBK awards by others as you say.


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
nikka ive never had an avatar of MY favorite wrestler...how about you?

Me having an avatar of the GOAT is the same as you making 95% of your posts about Orton :beli:

At first I thought you were just :troll: but at this point you are reaching Eric status. :sitdown:

You shouldn't throw stones(make threads about meester and liggins) from that Orton glass house.