Low Key, leighton and liggins are the 2 worst things ever to happen to TSC

Are these 2 the worst thing to ever happen to this beloved forum?

  • Yes, and thank you for bringing this up..they ruin everything

    Votes: 18 58.1%
  • nah, i'm on their bandwagon, I love to read about iron phalluses and switch SNs every week

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • I'm just glad they keep their sorry ass in this forum and don't go to the colisuem or others, ever

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • osu sucks

    Votes: 11 35.5%

  • Total voters

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012


Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012
Ah, here we go. Moving the goalposts and flipping stances. First it was "He posts facts people can't refute", now it's "he's just stating his opinion, leave him alone". Really this isn't even about R=G to me. He does what he does, the dudes who go back n forth with him do what they do.

You, though...all due respect, you seem to be oblivious. the fact thst you admitted to just noticing strife within TSC despite having been posting here for years is a sign. I mean, two of the most lauded threads here concerned posters potentially coming to blows...

Also, you continually claim to want to engender debate, but are perfectly okay with emotionally charged displays which typically stifle it. Who are you and what do you want, comrade?
You're saying things I've never stated for laughs and daps from the people who disagree with me. I've stated what I've seen, if some don't like it, I can't help but disagree.

Have not made any emotional responses by attacking any posters, I've challenged and been challenged, I step up, 1 of them simply can't (krack). Being in immediate attack mode at other posters suits no one except the insecure. Attacking other wrestlers/promotions/etc is perfectly fine, always has been.

Who am I? Same I've always been, buddy.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
You're missing the forest for the trees yet again...

You insisted R=G posts facts, numbers, and analogies (your words) which people can't refute, which makes them butthurt. That particular example had approximately 0% fact and I used it to refute your point.

Also, ya still didn't answer my overarching question about if that's the kind of "debate" you're lookin for. In fact you didn't say much of anything.

As Frasier Crane would say, go right ahead Suikoden, I'm listening...:whoo:
I posted facts in my debate with R-G and I posted that melter gave on 2 5 star matches to wwe and hbkgoat is in 2 of them, I never made insults or cheap shots, yet this guy went off Hbk like he took his money, I didn't diss Rocky or anything after that display I can't take him serious, he can't respect facts or opinion , life is too short to deal with zealots.

Jackson LeRoy Briggs

You think you bad? You ain't bad!
May 1, 2012
R=G makes points, even if you disagree with its importance, that plenty of people can't refute and they get mad and start mud slinging because they HATE R=G...he uses analogies, people get pissed, he sites examples, people get pissed, he sites #'s and people get pissed.

but only recently have I noticed unprovoked attacks on posters and derailed threads only because certain wrestlers were talked about in a negative fashion.

Still waiting on a post not covered in insecure remarks

Say something, anything, intelligent about the state of professional wrestling, I double dare you :heh:

Jackson LeRoy Briggs said:
Ah, here we go. Moving the goalposts and flipping stances. First it was "He posts facts people can't refute", now it's "he's just stating his opinion, leave him alone". Really this isn't even about R=G to me. He does what he does, the dudes who go back n forth with him do what they do.

You, though...all due respect, you seem to be oblivious. the fact thst you admitted to just noticing strife within TSC despite having been posting here for years is a sign. I mean, two of the most lauded threads here concerned posters potentially coming to blows...

Which brings us to...

You're saying things I've never stated for laughs and daps from the people who disagree with me.

Now, please point out where I misquoted you, @SuikodenII. I'm listening...:whoo:
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Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012
You're not making any sense Jax. Not sure what point you're making.

Jackson LeRoy Briggs

You think you bad? You ain't bad!
May 1, 2012
You're not making any sense Jax. Not sure what point you're making.
I'll be glad to clarify, comrade.

I posted this:

Ah, here we go. Moving the goalposts and flipping stances. First it was "He posts facts people can't refute", now it's "he's just stating his opinion, leave him alone". Really this isn't even about R=G to me. He does what he does, the dudes who go back n forth with him do what they do.

You, though...all due respect, you seem to be oblivious. the fact thst you admitted to just noticing strife within TSC despite having been posting here for years is a sign. I mean, two of the most lauded threads here concerned posters potentially coming to blows...

Also, you continually claim to want to engender debate, but are perfectly okay with emotionally charged displays which typically stifle it. Who are you and what do you want, comrade?

In response to the above, you claimed here that I misquoted you at some point.

The most recent post of mine, which you said makes no sense, is a collection of your quotes throughout this thread which serves to bolster the veracity of my last few posts.

TLDR: I quoted and sourced your posts to prove I never put words in your mouth, and I'm confused as to why you accused me of such...:patrice:


Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012
...facts SOME people can't refute. You did misquote me. I never said "leave him alone". Another misquote. He states opinions, some backed by facts, numerical mostly and some backed by word of mouth accusations of people in the biz or visual proof. Some are strictly opinions he holds, however strongly negative/positive they are. All of us do to an extent.

...which is true. Some things can't be refuted, only dismissed out of personal spite or not being prevalent to the conversation at hand. Some people can't refute anything he or anyone else says because as I alluded to and even proven in this very thread, some of these people aren't actually wrestling fans to begin with. It's a circus, and they just want to be entertained...

And as far as the quoting goes, as I've stated earlier, attacking wrestlers promotions bad booking ideas, etc is perfectly fine. The problem lies where posters are being attacked and threads derailed with self serving trolling nonsense. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, that's fine, always has been, always will be.

I have a personal theory as to why so many are starting to turn to trolling instead of debating, but it actually has nothing to do with the posters here...


All Star
May 14, 2012
...facts SOME people can't refute. You did misquote me. I never said "leave him alone". Another misquote. He states opinions, some backed by facts, numerical mostly and some backed by word of mouth accusations of people in the biz or visual proof. Some are strictly opinions he holds, however strongly negative/positive they are. All of us do to an extent.

...which is true. Some things can't be refuted, only dismissed out of personal spite or not being prevalent to the conversation at hand. Some people can't refute anything he or anyone else says because as I alluded to and even proven in this very thread, some of these people aren't actually wrestling fans to begin with. It's a circus, and they just want to be entertained...

And as far as the quoting goes, as I've stated earlier, attacking wrestlers promotions bad booking ideas, etc is perfectly fine. The problem lies where posters are being attacked and threads derailed with self serving trolling nonsense. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, that's fine, always has been, always will be.

I have a personal theory as to why so many are starting to turn to trolling instead of debating, but it actually has nothing to do with the posters here...

What's your theory breh?

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
...facts SOME people can't refute. You did misquote me. I never said "leave him alone". Another misquote. He states opinions, some backed by facts, numerical mostly and some backed by word of mouth accusations of people in the biz or visual proof. Some are strictly opinions he holds, however strongly negative/positive they are. All of us do to an extent.

...which is true. Some things can't be refuted, only dismissed out of personal spite or not being prevalent to the conversation at hand. Some people can't refute anything he or anyone else says because as I alluded to and even proven in this very thread, some of these people aren't actually wrestling fans to begin with. It's a circus, and they just want to be entertained...

And as far as the quoting goes, as I've stated earlier, attacking wrestlers promotions bad booking ideas, etc is perfectly fine. The problem lies where posters are being attacked and threads derailed with self serving trolling nonsense. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, that's fine, always has been, always will be.

I have a personal theory as to why so many are starting to turn to trolling instead of debating, but it actually has nothing to do with the posters here...
is it cause we've more or less found more entertainment in the forum itself with various trolling & we've come to accept "it's not supposed to be good"? cause tbh i don't give a fukk about what a diva in some house show in bum fukk no where did in 2005, nor do I really give a fukk about most matches on raw if not for TSC.

TSC makes wrestling entertaining and various altercations whether it be personal or everyone keeping it kayface just makes this forum entertaining.

That divas comment wasn't directed at you either, that was just bad timing


Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012
is it cause we've more or less found more entertainment in the forum itself with various trolling & we've come to accept "it's not supposed to be good"? cause tbh i don't give a fukk about what a diva in some house show in bum fukk no where did in 2005, nor do I really give a fukk about most matches on raw if not for TSC.

TSC makes wrestling entertaining and various altercations whether it be personal or everyone keeping it kayface just makes this forum entertaining.

That divas comment wasn't directed at you either, that was just bad timing

I know, I hear you. Although internet trolling has become increasingly popular especially dealing with social mediums, that's not it, to me at least...

If you don't care about wrestling, and it's hard to take it serious, that means either A: You never cared to begin with or B: Something made you fall out with it. Either way, I start to ask why with either answer...and it led me to a conclusion.

and uh.........Kayface.......:dwillhuh:


...might've started something :shaq:


May 2, 2012
602 via 410
a lot of the back and forth has been going on so long it reminds me of the jericho promo when he said he forgot why he even hates xpac. As long as all involved want the last word it will go on the way it has, it is what it is. that being said tsc is cool in my book and i crack a cold one for all you crazy b*stards
