Countdown to Armageddon
...PROFASI, who doesn't even watch wrestling according to himself, is an american HERO

If you were a better man, you'd stop watching too.
...PROFASI, who doesn't even watch wrestling according to himself, is an american HERO
My point was that 98% of the people here don't seem to have an issue with my posts but you are in this thread at 8 am on my dikk andr=g like your life depended on it.
Clearly you are the insecure one in here, you felt the need to get the attention of tsc before you even ate breakfast.
Yup I'm convinced dude is just trolling or he must be real desperate to get those porn links.
Still waiting on a post not covered in insecure remarks
Say something, anything, intelligent about the state of professional wrestling, I double dare you![]()
I don't have to say shyt, much less to you.
I post what I want. Deal with it. :ppvbro:
Let it go, you're excused.
Isn't this what you wanted? My attention? :ppvbro:
He embarrasses himself yet you embarrass yourself with THAT right there. Assuming. Lying. Pretending. Your way..your gimmick. Michaels is a decent performer. GOAT? The best in history? Never. Not even close. For a multitude of reasons that's been mentioned since the day I first got here..now why my word on Michaels means so much to you? You have yet to explain. You are very angry at those who support me though..that's odd and feminine. It's no insult. It's what you are. You usually come out of hiding during these threads and are typically offended by my thoughts on Michaels..like I owe him something or some shyt. Nah..fukk Michaels. I never liked him. Never thought he was that good. That Janetty feud was boring and bullshyt. His mid card push was torture compared to when Mr. Perfect got his IC title run, Warrior's run, or Rick Rude's run. Never thought he was a better overall performer than Razor in his prime either. The fans chose Razor over that guy in two big hyped matches..your people like to duck talking about that too. But that's to be expected. No insults needed. You troll..you don't like speaking on wrestling matters...especially Michaels, who you claim to worship as the be and end all of great performers in history as if he's Macho Man Randy Savage.
Is Michaels a great seller? No. He's a cartoon seller. He oversells and gets tandrems when he can't get his way politically. He's weak like that. He's a tainted talent over things like Summerslam 96, WM 12, Summerslam 2005.
Was he a real WWF Champion of note? Nah...his reign in 1996 is never talked about at this site or dissected yet everyone loves to talk about Rock/Austin/Hogan/Savage/Potential champions that never got the green light push during Hogan's era. His reign in 1996 was weak...he was around for years and he need a babyface manager to generate sympathy and that shyt all backfired by Survivor Series 96, as you should know by now. Steve Austin said it str8 up..if you can get over in the Madison Sqaure Garden, you can get over anywhere. Says it almost every week on his show..been saying it for years. Shawn Michaels? They chose Sid Vicious..a guy who supposedly doesn't exhibit half Michaels' in ring capabilities and is known for his Psycho Sid run and stutter promos was chosen over that guy in his prime when he was like 31 or 32. He's a chump. He's a false top talent that couldn't carry the ball. That proved it. Him forfeiting titles and running from television with "losing his smile" and all of that gay shyt proved it again. That's why Austin is better than him..why the Rock is a god and Hickenbottom is a guy who needs a DX reunion to get back some sympathy after fans chose the likes of Benoit/Jericho/Undertaker over him time and time again during his return.
And the worst thing about a guy like you and your ilk? You hate the Rock because I'm a supporter of him. If that's not feminine, folks, I don't know what is. When I said I run you, I meant it. My opinion on two wrestlers have you flustered and angry on a daily basis. You think you're clever because you like to use smilies instead of explaining yourself? Please. You can't debate me. You can't challenge me. You never could. You don't know enough. But since this the majority seem irritated by these "wars" and these derailments, I'm ending it right here. Just like that. I'm the best poster on here so I don't need to insult anyone to prove my point. Because the majority felt things were going off track, I'll show mercy and allow things to be what they were in the first place when this place was red hot under my leadership.
My thing is though...you never could back up one thing you could say, prove anything, and damn sure can never say Michael Hickenbottom is the greatest anything when he owes his accomplishments to politics and his peers wanting to look the other way over his bytch made behavior after they all got older and less hungry. That's not greatness. That's a pretense to being great...getting trained for several months, debuting in the Garden and two years later becoming a force of nature in pro wrestling at just 26? That's real greatness and I can understand the jealousy over that..the hate that must be there for someone that was that great at that point but that's just the way it was meant to be.
Team Bring It 2013
Ah, here we go. Moving the goalposts and flipping stances. First it was "He posts facts people can't refute", now it's "he's just stating his opinion, leave him alone". Really this isn't even about R=G to me. He does what he does, the dudes who go back n forth with him do what they do.He didn't say anything wrong, he had an opinion about a certain wrestler and voiced it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. That's not mud slinging at posters for the sake of your favorite wrestler/promotion/etc
If you don't agree with it, fine, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But guys are too quick to dismiss what he's saying because they hate HIM and take it as a personal attack.
Ah, here we go. Moving the goalposts and flipping stances. First it was "He posts facts people can't refute", now it's "he's just stating his opinion, leave him alone". Really this isn't even about R=G to me. He does what he does, the dudes who go back n forth with him do what they do.
You, though...all due respect, you seem to be oblivious. the fact thst you admitted to just noticing strife within TSC despite having been posting here for years is a sign. I mean, two of the most lauded threads here concerned posters potentially coming to blows...
Also, you continually claim to want to engender debate, but are perfectly okay with emotionally charged displays which typically stifle it. Who are you and what do you want, comrade?