Low Key, leighton and liggins are the 2 worst things ever to happen to TSC

Are these 2 the worst thing to ever happen to this beloved forum?

  • Yes, and thank you for bringing this up..they ruin everything

    Votes: 18 58.1%
  • nah, i'm on their bandwagon, I love to read about iron phalluses and switch SNs every week

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • I'm just glad they keep their sorry ass in this forum and don't go to the colisuem or others, ever

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • osu sucks

    Votes: 11 35.5%

  • Total voters


***** PLATINUM *****
May 1, 2012
who goes on an internet forum, any internet forum and randomly talks about iron phalluses and types out his fantasies with wrestlers

not sure how anyone ever got behind that questionable shyt :pacspit:

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
show me so I can see what you see and decide :manny:

Also, I've been attacked numerous times in numerous threads, along with others, just for having dissenting opinions on HHH, HBK, etc. It's happening more and more frequent which is why this thread was made. It's throwing rocks then hiding your hands when called out. R=G makes points, even if you disagree with its importance, that plenty of people can't refute and they get mad and start mud slinging because they HATE R=G...he uses analogies, people get pissed, he sites examples, people get pissed, he sites #'s and people get pissed. Now it's spreading to anyone who isn't agreeing with a couple guys here, who I've yet to see them actually give a damn about wrestling, period. Krack, KG, Henzo being the main culprits, I've seen much better outta them, but for some reason they've fallen for troll tactics as their line of attack instead of the product itself.

Where was this hate when RG was banned? Instead a popular thread was made asking for him back :mindblown:

KG if you wanna debate, I have no problem doing that, you set the topic, it's nothing. :birdman:

And no, me and RG aren't friends, but he's gotta opinion that I respect like MANY others here in the TSC, but there's a growing number of non-wrestling fans making a joke outta this section...

Let's all Rise Above Hate :wow:

My god breakfast first. There are plenty of people who shyt on michaels like TGO, IHY, status. But they don't deny his talent and matches. Compare that with an idiot who ranks shimmer matches above HBK matches. Then when you debate him, he calls you a lemming or whatever other corny vernacular he might use. Now I don't know what the deal is with you two. I don't know if you have some porn/comic book for capping exchange going on, but please stop it. You are embarrassing yourself


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
r=g is clearly 37+ though. Look at his vocabulary to determine that. Who the fukk else would call people lemmings? :laff:

Jackson LeRoy Briggs

You think you bad? You ain't bad!
May 1, 2012

this dude right here :snoop:

show me so I can see what you see and decide :manny:

Also, I've been attacked numerous times in numerous threads, along with others, just for having dissenting opinions on HHH, HBK, etc. It's happening more and more frequent which is why this thread was made. It's throwing rocks then hiding your hands when called out. R=G makes points, even if you disagree with its importance, that plenty of people can't refute and they get mad and start mud slinging because they HATE R=G...he uses analogies, people get pissed, he sites examples, people get pissed, he sites #'s and people get pissed.
Don't be oblivious :ufdup:

Even R=G would admit he slings mud and resorts to appeals to emotions when he argues. It doesn't take a genius to notice this.

I mean, in this very thread, regarding HBK:

R=G said:
Not objective? Because I don't kiss his ass? What kind of sense does that make? I don't have to respect an overrated and overpraised performer. It's cool Meltzer picked him for those little selections but he still didn't have the best match of the year over 4 companies of top notch workers. That's absurd. If he was that great, he wouldn't have needed to return after his first run to validate his failings during his original run. (:deadmanny:) You met him? That's nice. You should of asked him some real shyt..like he's jealous of other big names..why he thinks a slut basket like Sunny was some catch...should of asked why he had to forfeit titles and run away from television instead of doing jobs like you're supposed to do. But I'm sure you didn't. Pitiful but do what you gotta do to respect an mediocre performer of that ranking.

this here is vintage R=G. if this is an example of excellent debate to you then do you breh. I ain't here to judge people's tastes. But when it comes to the facts, like "who's instigating arguments" or "TSC hates dissenting opinions" you're clearly delusional my man.
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Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
But they don't deny his talent and matches.

He embarrasses himself yet you embarrass yourself with THAT right there. Assuming. Lying. Pretending. Your way..your gimmick. Michaels is a decent performer. GOAT? The best in history? Never. Not even close. For a multitude of reasons that's been mentioned since the day I first got here..now why my word on Michaels means so much to you? You have yet to explain. You are very angry at those who support me though..that's odd and feminine. It's no insult. It's what you are. You usually come out of hiding during these threads and are typically offended by my thoughts on Michaels..like I owe him something or some shyt. Nah..fukk Michaels. I never liked him. Never thought he was that good. That Janetty feud was boring and bullshyt. His mid card push was torture compared to when Mr. Perfect got his IC title run, Warrior's run, or Rick Rude's run. Never thought he was a better overall performer than Razor in his prime either. The fans chose Razor over that guy in two big hyped matches..your people like to duck talking about that too. But that's to be expected. No insults needed. You troll..you don't like speaking on wrestling matters...especially Michaels, who you claim to worship as the be and end all of great performers in history as if he's Macho Man Randy Savage.

Is Michaels a great seller? No. He's a cartoon seller. He oversells and gets tandrems when he can't get his way politically. He's weak like that. He's a tainted talent over things like Summerslam 96, WM 12, Summerslam 2005.

Was he a real WWF Champion of note? Nah...his reign in 1996 is never talked about at this site or dissected yet everyone loves to talk about Rock/Austin/Hogan/Savage/Potential champions that never got the green light push during Hogan's era. His reign in 1996 was weak...he was around for years and he need a babyface manager to generate sympathy and that shyt all backfired by Survivor Series 96, as you should know by now. Steve Austin said it str8 up..if you can get over in the Madison Sqaure Garden, you can get over anywhere. Says it almost every week on his show..been saying it for years. Shawn Michaels? They chose Sid Vicious..a guy who supposedly doesn't exhibit half Michaels' in ring capabilities and is known for his Psycho Sid run and stutter promos was chosen over that guy in his prime when he was like 31 or 32. He's a chump. He's a false top talent that couldn't carry the ball. That proved it. Him forfeiting titles and running from television with "losing his smile" and all of that gay shyt proved it again. That's why Austin is better than him..why the Rock is a god and Hickenbottom is a guy who needs a DX reunion to get back some sympathy after fans chose the likes of Benoit/Jericho/Undertaker over him time and time again during his return.

And the worst thing about a guy like you and your ilk? You hate the Rock because I'm a supporter of him. If that's not feminine, folks, I don't know what is. When I said I run you, I meant it. My opinion on two wrestlers have you flustered and angry on a daily basis. You think you're clever because you like to use smilies instead of explaining yourself? Please. You can't debate me. You can't challenge me. You never could. You don't know enough. But since this the majority seem irritated by these "wars" and these derailments, I'm ending it right here. Just like that. I'm the best poster on here so I don't need to insult anyone to prove my point. Because the majority felt things were going off track, I'll show mercy and allow things to be what they were in the first place when this place was red hot under my leadership.

My thing is though...you never could back up one thing you could say, prove anything, and damn sure can never say Michael Hickenbottom is the greatest anything when he owes his accomplishments to politics and his peers wanting to look the other way over his bytch made behavior after they all got older and less hungry. That's not greatness. That's a pretense to being great...getting trained for several months, debuting in the Garden and two years later becoming a force of nature in pro wrestling at just 26? That's real greatness and I can understand the jealousy over that..the hate that must be there for someone that was that great at that point but that's just the way it was meant to be.

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