Did you not see Francis White counter post what he was saying about Michaels and how he just dismissed him with subliminal insults and replied with his usual magneto villainous shyt? Me and others use to try that with him, but he is an irrational, idiotic fool. Thats why so many ppl are like fukk him. And its not just with HBK/Kliq stans.
show me so I can see what you see and decide
Also, I've been attacked numerous times in numerous threads, along with others, just for having dissenting opinions on HHH, HBK, etc. It's happening more and more frequent which is why this thread was made. It's throwing rocks then hiding your hands when called out. R=G makes points, even if you disagree with its importance, that plenty of people can't refute and they get mad and start mud slinging because they HATE R=G...he uses analogies, people get pissed, he sites examples, people get pissed, he sites #'s and people get pissed. Now it's spreading to anyone who isn't agreeing with a couple guys here, who I've yet to see them actually give a damn about wrestling, period. Krack, KG, Henzo being the main culprits, I've seen much better outta them, but for some reason they've fallen for troll tactics as their line of attack instead of the product itself.
Where was this hate when RG was banned? Instead a popular thread was made asking for him back
KG if you wanna debate, I have no problem doing that, you set the topic, it's nothing.
And no, me and RG aren't friends, but he's gotta opinion that I respect like MANY others here in the TSC, but there's a growing number of non-wrestling fans making a joke outta this section...
Let's all Rise Above Hate