You're not that bright, but I guess you wouldn't be a bird if you were.
We only saw this exchange because it was recorded.
This is the same footage that would be used against you in court. The same footage that would show YOU assaulted the individual you murdered.
Your black ass would be in prison for a couple of reasons.
A) You physically assaulted a pedestrian, and then took it upon yourself to shoot them.
B) You used a firearm in a train with dozens upon dozens of bystanders.
You may not realize it, but you're black. You're not George Zimmerman - there is no stand your ground law in NYC.
The incident was caught ON CAMERA.
You really think you can initiate a conflict and fire off a loaded firearm on a train full of civilians and just walk away?
Google 'Marissa Alexander' and then get back to me.
You're getting manslaughter at best - murder at worst.