Losing my private office at work this week :damn:


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
real talk. my company had a merger a couple years ago and now they're consolidating and closing offices. meaning my dept gotta share offices cuz other folks are moving here cuz they closed their office.


I know ya'll gonna say I need to get some certs and shyt but anyways, I have had my own office at my jobs since 2005 between my last couple jobs. I'm going back to that cublicle life :noah:

hell I had my own office even back when I was making dogshyt wages

I could potentially have to share a bathroom......:snoop:

on a positive note, for my job, we are sposed to have a team of 4, but there's only me. so while I am going to cubicles, I'm gonna still have my own BIGGER office except it will have unoccupied cubicles, and a couch and conference table :yeshrug:

but really who cares? I am having a 2nd interview this for a job that's gonna pay me almost 10K more a year and allow me to work from the crib every day, so ya boy might end up :win: in the end anyways.

however, I'm still not in the six figure club like ya'll IT dudes :sadcam:

got the offer. just waiting on their HR to confirm it the salary.

of course having to tell ur current employer ur leaving is always an uneasy conversation