So you post a video of an amateur fight he had TEN YEARS AGO bruh to try and make a weak point?
Next I'm assuming you'll post up the Salido fight?
I know from the outside looking in, it might be hard for you to understand why boxers arent as offensive against Loma as you'd prefer. Why don't they just keep throwing punches at him til they knock him out and beat him!?!?
It's not that simple bro. When you throw at him you miss, and he makes you pay with counters. When you're not being offensive, he's throwing alot of punches at you, at varied speeds, angles and forces, which keeps your hands at home blocking. So there's risk involved when you try to hit him. However to beat him, it seems you'e gonna have to cut the ring off, go to the body, and keep your lead foot on the outside of his (if you're a righty) so that he can't constantly turn you and spin off at an angle.
This is all theory. And easier to say this shyt when you're not in the ring with him. Just know that every single one of Loma's opponents had the same idea- to beat his ass and win. It didn't work for them (excluding Salido) and the reason is 100% Loma and his abilities.