@Newzz, we called it. We sat through how hearing Rigo was a different class of boxer, yet he was the one constantly getting dropped by bums.
Concrete decision in this one. Loma is clearly more skilled. As we thought may happen, size had zero to do with the outcome - but still may be a talking point to make excuses post victory. And Rigo's career issues seem to be entirely of his own doing, yet everyone gets blamed for black balling him. We just watched Rigo show little offense, hold a lot, and quit when it got tough. Loma deserves his respect for outclassing Rigo...but when it comes to Rigo amd his career, this fight was no different.
First thing I thought when Rigo quit, was why do I need to see him again? Rigo is wasted talent, there is no reason we need to watch him. And then my thoughts went to Mayweather. How many times have we seen Floyd fight with a broken hand (even suffered a KD due to the pain) and fight through it with the grit of a champion and still out class opponents with one hand?
Nomaschenko may be the GOAT line.