why are you making up lies and excuses? and whats the last part of your post saying? you can be a nas fan without doing this stuff homie. its not a good look.
everybody and they mom knew that dipset wasnt bangin with rocafella all like that. so why would nas be dissin him because they were on rocafella?

if that were the case, then he shouldve been calling out state property. they were the ones gettin in his @$$ like jay wished he could. NO HOMO.
dipset laid off of nas by like '03-04. jones would continue throwing shots here n there, but thats about it. only time they would mention nas, is when somebody asked them about a nas situation in an interview. in reality, nas was the one that would keep that chit going with low-profile popshots that he would take, that most of the world didnt know about. then when dipset would speak on it, theyd get looked at as the agressor while nas hid his hands. i watched this whole chit go down. stop trying to rewrite history.
whens the last diplomat track aimed at nas? 2003? yet, youre in here talking about nas dissin them in 2008, when there wasnt even a dipset. you tell me whos throwing the rocks here.