Log off and read a book


Jan 1, 2018
Over the past few I've been stepping offline and getting back into the books. Try it. Its something else.

Coming back online and the screen life feels like high frequency wind blowing through my brain compared to the smooth calming rhythm resonating in my soul as I turn pages in the real world. The contrast is immense. The digital makes you jump around skittishly and engage in repetitive behaviors in search of stimulation whilst the book just mellows out your whole frame as you're flowing at your pace which is internally defined.

Like I said. Try it.

You'll get to know the inside of your head better and it quickly highlights why everyone is a digital basehead but doesn't realize it yet and why the net is the biggest connect of them all in every sense of the word...

Go and find a book on something you want to be less ignorant about it and use the time you used to waste online to read it and discover the joy of a beneficial addiction. Self construction over self destruction. Its a choice.

Try it.


Event Staff Only
May 6, 2012
My Own 🌍
Over the past few I've been stepping offline and getting back into the books. Try it. Its something else.

Coming back online and the screen life feels like high frequency wind blowing through my brain compared to the smooth calming rhythm resonating in my soul as I turn pages in the real world. The contrast is immense. The digital makes you jump around skittishly and engage in repetitive behaviors in search of stimulation whilst the book just mellows out your whole frame as you're flowing at your pace which is internally defined.

Like I said. Try it.

You'll get to know the inside of your head better and it quickly highlights why everyone is a digital basehead but doesn't realize it yet and why the net is the biggest connect of them all in every sense of the word...

Go and find a book on something you want to be less ignorant about it and use the time you used to waste online to read it and discover the joy of a beneficial addiction. Self construction over self destruction. Its a choice.

Try it.

any book recommendations?