Local Reparations program under attack

Fill Collins

I like the one that says shum pulp
Jun 19, 2019
Why would democrats allow republicans to sue this reparations program?
Anyone could sue for any reason as long as they have enough money for it

Why be mad at Democrats for Republicans being the same jews they always were

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
saying, “there will never be reparations in this country on a federal scale” is the equivalent of a slave on a plantation in the antebellum south saying, “we will always be slaves. we ain’t never gonna be free.”


This is not a logical comparison. Abolition was not a unique American idea, it had already been achieved in Europe before the American Civil War. In the decades leading up to the Civil War there was clear support for ending slavery from large portions of the country, specifically the non-southern states. With reparations there is no real world example of another nation paying the ancestors of victims billions or trillions of dollars as restitution for historical crimes. Nor is there broad level support for reparations politically in this country, anywhere. It's not happening. And it's insane to me that someone can watch black investment funds, payments to black farmers etc get hung up in the courts and think billion/trillion dollar payments that go exclusively to black people would even work.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
It is the first of its kind and its very narrow. Its more practical than asking for trillions of dollars outright, so the hope is that this gets protected.

The practicality isn't something I worry about. This country dropped $6T easy. So it can pay that out over years if it needed to. Hell it can pay out the whole thing if it had to.

It's the wording of the law that I'm concerned with. It has to survive this BS attempts to undo it.

Richard Glidewell

May 24, 2022
It is the first of its kind and its very narrow. Its more practical than asking for trillions of dollars outright, so the hope is that this gets protected.
If it does stand in court it opens the flood gates for the reverse of what these inadequate hate mongers want.........


Sep 2, 2014
The practicality isn't something I worry about. This country dropped $6T easy. So it can pay that out over years if it needed to. Hell it can pay out the whole thing if it had to.

It's the wording of the law that I'm concerned with. It has to survive this BS attempts to undo it.
You are missing the point. There is no perfect wording. Legislation can be like security policies for an organizations computers.

We can find creative solutions to problems. Problem makers can find more creative problems. Reparations problem isn’t legislation, it is adjudication. Like the black farmers, if there is some way someone feels left out, it becomes an arms race to sue. The one more well funded Wins cause they can afford more court cases. We need not only politicians who are willing to put forth reparations but also a populace who wants it (otherwise they throw out reparations candidates immediately) and a judiciary.

Anyone who reduces this to a wording issue is a grifting fukk. I guarantee if you counter with “we gave it to Jews/indians/japanese” or some such it came with a lot of caveats and had a much narrower scope than making the entirety of American blacks whole. Reparations is never a set and forget fight. We will literally be fighting to keep it the moment we get anything.


Sep 2, 2014
If it does stand in court it opens the flood gates for the reverse of what these inadequate hate mongers want.........
It depends. Its very narrow in that you had to have someone living in Evanston during a certain time period to get the benefit. A lot of black people wouldn’t know that particular info so its possible a bunch miss out due to lack of information. This version of reparations is incredibly narrow in scope and tangibles, though those who get it will benefit greatly. Its possible it can roll out elsewhere and be made narrow enough that virtually no one qualifies but they can still throw “But you now have reparations “ in our faces. Its only the start and people will absolutely have to vote in locally people who would copy it.

Most importantly: Black people cant be tuned out just because they may not benefit. As a former Evanston resident, I was not able to participate as no one in my family was there, but you are fukking right I was in favor of it. Everyone would have to do the work without assuming they will be the ones to benefit. Most cats are not talking about that.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Wording is important. Especially in law and legal cases. It's the foundation that everything else relies on. Once that is in place, legislators, lawyers, and judges become much more effective at making it law.
Oct 22, 2017
This is not a logical comparison. Abolition was not a unique American idea, it had already been achieved in Europe before the American Civil War. In the decades leading up to the Civil War there was clear support for ending slavery from large portions of the country, specifically the non-southern states. With reparations there is no real world example of another nation paying the ancestors of victims billions or trillions of dollars as restitution for historical crimes. Nor is there broad level support for reparations politically in this country, anywhere. It's not happening. And it's insane to me that someone can watch black investment funds, payments to black farmers etc get hung up in the courts and think billion/trillion dollar payments that go exclusively to black people would even work.
europe and america aren’t a logical comparison in this regard, the institution of american slavery being of a unique character that established the foundation of the american empire. the reproduction of wealth and other material benefits that systemic white supremacy has awarded those designated as white, over the course of centuries, came at the detriment of slaves and continues to be guarantees that are accumulated from the toll this system takes on their descendants.

there is a direct line of receipts, from slavery to present day, that makes a clear and unequivocal case for reparations.

the lack of scholarship and historical memory exhibited by black critics of reparations is infuriating. how can you be black and not understand the scope of what was taken from your lineage?

so, i repeat: claiming that reparations will
never happen is no different than a slave on a plantation in the antebellum south, when slavery had become an institution onto itself, saying, “we will always be slaves. we ain’t never gonna be free.”

read this and tell me black people aren’t owed reparations:



Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
europe and america aren’t a logical comparison in this regard, the institution of american slavery being of a unique character that established the foundation of the american empire. the reproduction of wealth and other material benefits that systemic white supremacy has awarded those designated as white, over the course of centuries, came at the detriment of slaves and continues to be guarantees that are accumulated from the toll this system takes on their descendants.

there is a direct line of receipts, from slavery to present day, that makes a clear and unequivocal case for reparations.

the lack of scholarship and historical memory exhibited by black critics of reparations is infuriating. how can you be black and not understand the scope of what was taken from your lineage?

so, i repeat: claiming that reparations will
never happen is no different than a slave on a plantation in the antebellum south, when slavery had become an institution onto itself, saying, “we will always be slaves. we ain’t never gonna be free.”

read this and tell me black people aren’t owed reparations:



You're missing the point. A slave, slave owner, and abolitionist in the 1800s could all point to slavery ending in other nations as positive evidence that the practice could one day end. We have no examples to point to for reparations. The ancestors of the Ottoman Empire's slaves won't be getting reparations, nor are Armenians even able to get acknowledgement of the genocide they faced - much less restitution. The idea that billions or even trillions will be paid out exclusively to a racial minority in this country - or any country - is laughable.

The moral case for reparations has nothing to do with the legal or political case for them, neither of which make sense in a country that is majority white and full of judges who would love nothing more than to kneecap that. You know, the judges who will keep entering court rooms while a certain group of people say voting doesn't matter.

This is a fantasy issue. It's not happening.
Oct 22, 2017
You're missing the point. A slave, slave owner, and abolitionist in the 1800s could all point to slavery ending in other nations as positive evidence that the practice could one day end. We have no examples to point to for reparations. The ancestors of the Ottoman Empire's slaves won't be getting reparations, nor are Armenians even able to get acknowledgement of the genocide they faced - much less restitution. The idea that billions or even trillions will be paid out exclusively to a racial minority in this country - or any country - is laughable.

The moral case for reparations has nothing to do with the legal or political case for them, neither of which make sense in a country that is majority white and full of judges who would love nothing more than to kneecap that. You know, the judges who will keep entering court rooms while a certain group of people say voting doesn't matter.

This is a fantasy issue. It's not happening.
going to be bluntly honest: your opinion is kind of bytch made.

the instruments of law and politics have never been on our side. and yet, notwithstanding that constant reality, we press on - as we have for centuries.

if it means we have to wrest that money from the inflexible hands of white power, that’s what we will do.
