LL Cool J ''THE FORCE'' Discussion Thread

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

Whud'd down.

Hey joe,...
What's good....

ll COOl J



This is somehow.

turning into the ll album.
we always asked for.

Although I find q tips production.
To be a refreshing nostalgic revisit of tribes greatest hits.
Mixed with a time capsule comic book what if.
ll cool j had modern ummah meets native tongue style production.
With a cultural feel to it. That finds a compromise.
between former big budget over produced def jam island Columbia style production.
While feeling himself enough.
to bite back all the biters of q tip over the years. From digable to ye.
Yet in that...
This shyt has no bang and no hardcore shyt to it.

Plus delves to far into softsafe electric circus meets production.
that one of those silly viacom shows.
like aqua force or whatever that bullshyt is. Usually has a music segmented break.
programmed with zeb love x meets native style production.

It has extreme disconnect.
of a nikka who dug into the crate and only giving you.
what they produced in a bubble.

Yet nuffin that can sustain the now hardcore 808 sonic requirement to do rap.
where at times. This albums goes in directions.
I have been a part of as an artist and later feel.
that the production created disconnect.
to people who are not culturally connected.
It is completely accessible.
to the electric circus erykah sabu knit
muscle tank types with fake dreads.
Seeing as I am older.
All the eras the sonic landscapes used have and get love from.
Which in that q tips eclectic penchant.
to make choices on This akbum really shine.

It is just the overall disconnect.
to bring certain records.
into certain hit territory.
That I have an issue with.

This happens on the records where q tip does vocal hooks. While being good records. Would have been easy to sell hits. If the hooks were arranged better.
Yet that does work in the nostalgic sonic eclectic landscapes used here.

It works here, even when this shyt goes to.
ye big budget over produced electric circus meets luck of lucien.

Yet here my only qualm with q tips production is.
I feel a number of the songs.
the hook should have been arranged.
To sell the record.
So at times it feels like big budget features. Were made around big budget schedules of said features. Where this record still manages to get that record on a tight schedule.

Where ll's big budget features could have and should have been played hook first.

Or on some records, where q tip is the vocals of the hook.
This is apparent.
Yet given people like the big budget kanye meets lupe's overproduced marc santos steals u2. Where lupe appears to have wrote this jayz verse styke records.

Where ll murders every record in this except for passion.
Which again q tip should have stepped in and made ll re-write his verse for.
Plus q tip is too fascinated with chicago frankie knuckle deep house meets sellout jungle brothers gyal i'll house you. or Latifah, gimme body face ass.
asking us to come into her house and on this record. that lakim shabazz, himself should have tapped qtip on the shoulder.
Or should have stepped in and said was a bad direction.
Which creates disconnect sonically to the street market.

The album opens up hard as fukk.
yet does not take you back to that style of production. Yet it goes down that weird big budget former def jam artist route. Where the beats are to commercial and only get ill bomb dope a few times.

I would recommend this album for people who wanted ll to make a native tongue album. Plus more records, that move away.
Gfrom the bloviated defjam style of production.

You get what you ask for lyrically from ll.
At times though this record gets to big budget overproduced tribe.
like the last huff love movement tribe album. Yet has the wherewithal and cognitive awareness.
to out due how trash the love movement is.
While giving you..
i wonder how much of an Influence.
The real jd = dilla

Would have on an album.
produced by the ummah version of q tip.
Was able to consolidate the solo commercial q tip from vibrant thing.

While also ramping up a bit more hardcore to suit ll.
Plus be malleable enough.
in an album made in a bubble.
to keep the demographic of native tongue alumni long time listener satiated.
Album is a good long player.

That comes with the one caveat of enjoying it.

Listen to this in sequence to the album j card. As this albums sounds like a bunch of unfocused mess.
if not sequenced properly.
Plus exactly like the album listing and song title names specify.

Recommendation : good record for a road trip. If you have young children. Who you have discussed and mentored about entertainment.
So you can listen to something that is not baby shark. Plus not damage your parental sway. By having uncle Luke lewd content blaring from the speakers.

Rating : @@@@

Since there are no more def jam flagship model ideals to be met.

Ll finally removed from systemic commercial record label. Finally gives the original ll fan the album we asked for.
After mama said knock you out.
Where ll created rhe emo genre on diggy down from 13 shots to the dome. As well as one of the most unheralded and important songs ever.
in all we got left is the beat. This album gives the true ll cool j fan.
the what if comic book style album of;

what if?

ll cool j made a native tongue album in 92-93. Just with modern house slash rap in a box change ups and overproduction.
So you get the content heavy dopeness.
left out of the usually dismal reviews for thirteen shots to the dome. while getting pink cookies in a native tongue meets ummah plastic bag.

complete with a instinctive travels meets low end theory color scheme style art diection and cover.

a triumph as a compromise sonically.
That every ll fan wanted.
after mama said in place of thirteen shots to the dome. Right before krs's return of the boom bap and nas's technical renaissaance era ushering opus, illmatic.

One of the few times a rap album was made in a bubble. By a former flagship major record label artist, now indie.

The ll cool j album you wished for.
circa 1991-1993.
Before return of the boom bap.

Art Barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Preciate it handshake


Art Barr

Oh I will start giving more props.

I halted the over indulgent practice a bit back. As I did not want people who show love. Having to deal with the cyber serial goofies and games.
Just from publically showing love with a good ole put her there...tha preciate it handshake.

So expect to see more.
take six spread love mark 45 king remix levels of appreciation.

Hope to see everyone at some table in time.

Well wishes, to everybody in the coli.

Art Barr

*presses play.

Cot damn...
This shyt take me back to tha alcatraz, nikka.......
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Real talk.

almost gave this shyt a classic rating.
I took off a mic for the rick ross feature.
Which makes no sense at all.
Plus fukk that cop.

Plus I had to take away a mark for the house music in a box stuff.
Where the production goes too deep into luck of lucien on instinctive travels.
Meets frankie knuckles slash kanye is a house duck style of production
I am kinda on rhe fence about re-rating it.

As ll goes crazy on this record and every record finds a crazy compromise.

That hits some buzzer of nostalgia.

That made me remember the first time.
I heard this tribe record.

A lot of nostalgia and remember when type breaks on this record with that modern big budget sonic landscape feel.
While also having a crisp dusty groove. that takes you back to early nineties culture driven hiphop parties to flex in a cypha.

Really good album

Thinking about another relisten.

Ll cool j is the truth good on this akbum.
Every record.

Cot damn.
ll murders this album.

Art Barr
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