It sounds harsh but it is the truth. How can a guy get called the GOAT when he's been so putrid in international play? Its because of international play that guys like Pele became legends. If he didn't dominate the World Cup, he would've been just a guy who dominated his domestic league in Brazil.
The World Cup has always been equalizer. Its like championship rings in the NBA. Having the most rings doesn't necessarily make you the GOAT, however, having no rings does eliminate you from the conversation.
Lionel Messi has no international titles (and he plays for a big country like Argentina so he doesn't even have an excuse). That should have eliminated him long ago from being mentioned with the likes of Zidane, the Brazilian Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, and even Cristiano Ronaldo (who is also overrated IMO but definitely better than Messi).
I don't even know who Messi is....