Lion vs Silverback Gorilla: who would win?


Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
It doesnt even matter who you think would win...but to say an animal that has the upperbody strength to lift a truck and a bite twice as strong as the the weak one. :mjlol:
Against a animal that uses stealth and agility..:jbhmm:

Are we going by a head up battle, or are we referring to animals in their natural setting.

Its easier for a lion to sneak up and gain the advantage on a gorilla regardless of its strength.

Jul 5, 2015
US of A

Lions take losses too:stopitslime:
Damnnn fam got fukked up


All Star
Nov 16, 2013
After some quick research,
a Lion don't want no smoke from a Gorilla.

The largest gorilla you will most likely find in the wild is 525 lbs - 550 lbs and 6ft 3 - 6ft 6 with a 8ft - 9ft wing span
The largest lion would be around 525 lbs - 575 lbs with around a 7ft standing height with a 4ft limb length

An absolute beast gorilla:
Intelligent enough to manipulate its environment, use tools, learn sign language and so on
Run at 30mph and is agile
Lift 1500lb easily with one arm. lift over 3000lb above their head and throw it
Apparently jump 8 ft (never officially recorded)
Bite force over 1300 psi (more than a lion)
Has huge forearms so powerful that they can grip and hang from a tree with one arm for hours
Pull with a force over 5000lbs.

A beast lion:
Dumb as rocks except for advanced pack hunting tactics
Run at 50mph but only for a very short while and would be exhausted
Jump 9ft high
Bite force of over 600 psi
Pull 1000lbs
Slap a 2000lb Ox to Bolivia

Seeing as a gorilla has hands, and feet that are similar to hands, they can utilize its strength more. A gorilla has Jui Jitsu, wrestling and boxing. How can a Lion counter that? (Not really but you know what I mean) Plus Silverbacks are just older gorillas so they have that old man strength and fighting experience.

A Lion has few fighting tactics and can only exert itself for a very small amount of time, which is why they ambush and try to immobilize their prey quickly. A lion would stick its claws in and try to bite the neck to either suffocate, break the spine or just destroy it. Have you seen Gorilla traps:usure: If the Gorilla somehow let a lion get to that position, a 550lb Gorilla , it would reach back before any bite, lift the lion up and literally tear him into pieces.
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Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Both may be so injured that neither could claim victory.

Firstly, I think they would size each other up and decline the fade in real life. Animals are pretty good at avoiding unnecessary injury.

If it must go down tho...

The lion would charge in on some dinner shyt. At which point the gorilla would react and raise up on two legs to make itself bigger. This would cause the lion to hesitate really. Two legged prey isn't usual.

But I'll power through...

The lion will run in to bite the throat of the gorilla. Would it be successful is key. Would the gorilla have the strength to stop the lion? To keep the jaws from locking on its throat.

Remember a gorilla basically has 4 hands. So if the charge bowls him over, he will have four hands to bench the lion off him. With the lion fighting to get that bite. Remember, they don't just start scratching like a girl. They use their claws to pull them close to prey. The gorilla has its two hands on the Lions head, throat area.

Would it squeeze? Would it use superior grappling to flip the fight? Once it flip would it begin pounding the lion in that classic gorilla attack and break bones? Does it have the intelligence to strangle the lion or break it's neck? On top of that would it bite the Lions face off and rip it's scrotum off too?

In reality if they did thump, the lion would feel the gorillas strength and disengage.