Just did the googles and according to the analytic sites Max makes around 40 a month just from Twitch subscriptions. That's with a 50% cut from Twitch but big streamers can negotiate that number. They may only be taking 20-30%.
Now you have to factor in donations, ad revenue, and sponsorships. Add that up and that's his total from Twitch.
It doesn't end there though. He has over 1 million YouTube subscribers so now you gotta calculate that. Apparently someone in his chat caught his revenue on the screen and it showed 42k in a week. No idea whether that's a total or just from one platform.
Streamers make a ton because they eat off multiple platforms. He can easily make a few mil annually. Is that more than Tjay I don't know but music money isn't consistent. You're cold on the charts, the shows dry up, you have to recoup, maintain a lavish lifestyle for appearances, and that money can go fast.