He said they’ve educated themselves so this has been a learning process not an overnight decision. I don’t even like them tbh they’re an annoying couple to me, so I’m not basing my conclusions on my personal feelings or opinions. It just sounded like they’ve done their research prior to making decisions on how to move forward with the situation.So basically you're just guessing? They will never say they took him to see someone because that would be off script. They're trying to make this seem normal, so they'd never cop to taking him to see a specialist. You're just being a fan and filling in the blanks for them. Bless your heart.
He said they’ve educated themselves so this has been a learning process not an overnight decision. I don’t even like them tbh they’re an annoying couple to me, so I’m not basing my conclusions on my personal feelings or opinions. It just sounded like they’ve done their research prior to making decisions on how to move forward with the situation.
If black american children being targeted with a blatant media campaign doesn't anger you something is wrong with You not me.
I've already adressed the blatant media campaign and i do in every single thread that involves itThe Wade family will be used by the lgbt to usher in pedophilia to the Black community
to get us to begin to accept it or see it as just another sexual orientation
Who's hiding or defending that Future is a scumbag? And women are the majority of his fanbase
I'll just wear my kufi proud and say anybody caping for the bullshyt Dwade is on is an enemy to black American society. I specify black American because they don't try this agenda shyt over in Jamaica and Africa places where they would get machetes swung on them.
BTW he’s not getting the surgery. Under law he can’t do it until he’s 18. That being said Wade and Gabby are definitely setting this up and counting down the days when they can make this happen.
Dark times ahead for the kid.
This.If black american children being targeted with a blatant media campaign doesn't anger you something is wrong with You not me.
She always wanted to be the man in the relationship.You mean gabby setting this up. Bet they always wanted a daughter.![]()
They sacrificed their son to pedophilia. Dwayne is living the gay lifestyle that we wants to live through his son. This is Dwayne's come out moment through projection. Gabby is helping to the cycle of emasculation and effeminization. That gender lack of identity nonsense is created by the environment that they exposed their kid to.
I know you're not black, so please don't speak on this like it's a community wide issue to weigh in on. This is a black child, we don't condone sexualizing children, exposing children to sexual situations or assigning lifestyles to minor children. With that being said, that's not part of black culture, historically. The majority of the black community does not find this acceptable. We have boundaries when it comes to black children and this is one of those situations where people are entitled to speak how they feel that actually are part of the . You can't really base your conclusions because you're not in a position to from the outside looking. You would be better off weighing on Charlize Theron and her need to assign female traits to her black adopted son at 6 yrs old - see where I'm going with this? Because rarely, if ever, do they promote this type of behavior as normalcy for advertisement of white children when it's a known fact that pedophilia, sexual crimes against children and sexual assault crimes are statistically a white people's problem since the main perpetrators are white men with white woman facilitating or enabling the environment for it, historically, that's fact, not opinion.He said they’ve educated themselves so this has been a learning process not an overnight decision. I don’t even like them tbh they’re an annoying couple to me, so I’m not basing my conclusions on my personal feelings or opinions. It just sounded like they’ve done their research prior to making decisions on how to move forward with the situation.
I know you're not black, so please don't speak on this like it's a community wide issue to weigh in on. This is a black child, we don't condone sexualizing children, exposing children to sexual situations or assigning lifestyles to minor children. With that being said, that's not part of black culture, historically. The majority of the black community does not find this acceptable. We have boundaries when it comes to black children and this is one of those situations where people are entitled to speak how they feel that actually are part of the . You can't really base your conclusions because you're not in a position to from the outside looking. You would be better off weighing on Charlize Theron and her need to assign female traits to her black adopted son at 6 yrs old - see where I'm going with this? Because rarely, if ever, do they promote this type of behavior as normalcy for advertisement of white children when it's a known fact that pedophilia, sexual crimes against children and sexual assault crimes are statistically a white people's problem since the main perpetrators are white men with white woman facilitating or enabling the environment for it, historically, that's fact, not opinion.