Light Skin did not "Evolve" from Black Skin it "Mutated"


All Star
Apr 3, 2014



(not sure about that figure, but a white historian did note that around 40% of ancient Rome's population grew tails....)​

For clarity, mutations do occur naturally. These mutations however were clearly manipulated by human intervention, and relatively recently at that. Think about often do we see albinos in any group of people. They are rare! How on Earth does an entire tribe of albinos come into existence unless social-political factors played a role. These people are so abnormal that they must utilize albino lab rats to mimic their genes when doing medical experiments for humans. The melanin in the NORMAL rats would have a NORMAL reaction with the medicine that white people would not have sine they lack melanin.​



Just a Reminder. Also this mutation occurred around 6,000 BC.


How in the Hell can some not see that Elijah Muhammad's "little theory" about them has been at least partially validated with the very research of the mutants.

"Orthodox history is a lie and must be placed back into its proper perspective. The veil of White supremacy has thrown us off track about world history truths and who we are as Black people in relationship to everyone else on the planet. Whites have many believing they are not only the progenitors of civilization but also the progenitors of humanity. Our ancient heroes and saviors have been whitewashed. The world believes that everyone on Earth who's not White is primitive and uncivilized.

First, we must understand what White skin really means and who White people really are. In a nutshell Whites are mutated inbred albinos.

Scientifically speaking biologists say that white skin is a result of adaptation to climate, but let’s pay close attention to that for a minute. When we think of an adaptation to something, we think of acquiring physical traits and characteristics that would make us successful in surviving the environment. Let us understand what White skin means biologically and genetically. White skin does not meet the criteria for being a result of climatic adaptations.

Scientists write that White skin is an adaptation to northern cold climates. The lack of melanin has proven to be non-beneficial but actually detrimental to cold climates, technically. Melanin has thermal regulating properties in that it absorbs all forms of heat and energy and can actually allow a person to warm up quicker after coming out of the cold and keeps them warmer longer while in a cold environment. The claims are that White skin was an aid in the metabolization of vitamin D, however, it has been determined that melanin is needed for the efficient metabolization of vitamin D and calcium. Since White skin reflects sunshine, a primary source of vitamin D, compensation for not getting adequate amounts from the sun because of calcium depletion from bones, therefore decreasing bone density and making Caucasians more susceptible to Osteoporosis.

Whites are also the most susceptible to kidney stones composed of calcium oxylate. It is a well known fact that the sun causes skin cancer in White people more than any other people on this Earth, but what a lot of people don’t realize is that the sun also sterilizes Whites. The lack of melanin or pigment leaves Whites vulnerable to photolysis. The decomposition of folate or folic acid in the blood levels is critical for cell replication and reproduction. This is the real reason behind the low Caucasian birthrates. The experienced problems with fertility are not behavioral but biological one that cannot seem to be controlled. The foliate levels plummet by up to 50% when exposed to solar radiation, and even in the radiation in tanning salons. The genetically deficient genes give ABSOLUTELY NO benefit in nature, in tropical, temperament climates OR northern cold climates.

Everything we have been led to believe is a myth. It has become so dogmatic that many people subconsciously try to refute this instinctively because it does not coincide with the indoctrination that permeates thought processes so deeply. Since Caucasians cannot reproduce genetic material (melanin), they could not have spawned humanity. Because the sun sterilizes and is sending Whites on a course toward extinction, they will not survive independently for very long without people of color depositing their genetic material to make their cell replication and reproduction more feasible. Caucasians are becoming extinct in Europe just like everywhere else on the planet showing NON-ADAPTATION. White gene DNA cannot be traced back as far as their genetic parents, BLACK AFRICANS! The result is sufficient evidence for their not being the progenitors of humanity or civilization. The deficient genes simply will not last that long in the presence of a majority black/brown people. Their birthrates globally are below replacement levels, and even if they didn’t have to worry about being bred out of existence by black/brown genes, their numbers would still dwindle because of victimization by photolysis.

White people like to think that they have invented everything that we take for granted in this epoch. The truth of the matter is, Caucasians have only REDISCOVERED the many inventions of OUR BLACK ancestors did deep in antiquity. It is quickly becoming common knowledge that the ancient Egyptians were Black Africans. Menes who is credited with being the founder of Pharonic Egypt and for unifying both lower (northern) and upper (southern) Egypt, is preceded by thousands of years of kings that are not taken into account in ancient history. If you will recall Egypt did not have a linear progressive history where they started off primitive and progressed to their advanced state. They started off ADVANCED. Ancient Egypt is the continuation or satellite colony of an even older and fabulous super civilization.

link to more information

There are many ruins and pieces of evidence from Atlantis. Not only Plato’s account but the megalithic ruins that the United States government is fully aware of off the coast of Bimini. These have to be the remains of an ancient BLACK civilization. Although the library at Alexandria was destroyed by fire as well as knowledge centers in other locations, the ancient Indian texts from the Ramayana empire still exists and gives credence to the fact that viminas (ancient Indian flying machines) are a reality and not a figment of anyone’s imagination. The inhabitants of the ancient Rama Empire are the ancestors of the black Dravidians or “untouchables” (Dalits) of India today. Written in the ancient language of Sanskrit, the text gives marvelous accounts of fantastic wars fought here on this planet as well in outer space by these ancient flying machines that utilized mercury vortex propulsion. It is also a carefully guarded secret that many of the UFO sightings of today are actually the ancient viminas of great antiquity being concealed by the United States and other world governments or reconstructions of those ancient aircraft. As I said earlier, these are inventions that White people have only REDISCOVERED and cannot take proper credit.

A major lie that the United States wants to keep alive for ego purposes is that man walked on the moon with the Apollo moon landings of the late sixties and early seventies. This is one of the greatest deceptions in the history of the world. Man (White) has NEVER walked on the moon or has he even come close. There are many ways to prove to you that the moon landings were fraudulent. One of my favorite ways of discerning this is the picture of the footprints left in the lunar soil. If you stop and think about it, how can this be? For there to be footprints in the soil there must be moisture as a bonding agent and the moon is a vacuum with no atmosphere to hold moisture, therefore, there could NOT be any REAL footprints on the moon. Many people lack the scientific background to realize this and ignorantly accept whatever is spoon-fed them by NASA and the United States Government. Many people are coming to the realization that the whole thing was a fraud, but it is important for White people’s egos that EVERYBODY believes this passionately and defend this crap as a means of “national pride”. That’s not to say that there are not structures up there. Various reliable sources tell of obelisk shaped structures on the moon along with something that resembles an ancient aircraft runway. Someone has been there, but it wasn’t any White men of today. I don’t think they were little green men from Mars either. The structures that are up there resemble ancient Egyptian artifacts and being that, that was a Black civilization as well as Atlantis, it would make perfect sense that it was BLACK AFRICANS during the golden age that accomplished this feat. What is the golden age, you ask?

When man has reached his Zenith! The ancient Egyptians have hieroglyphic text that speak of something called the “golden time” back in the days of Atlantis before it’s destruction. The Bible says that there have been many destructions of mankind, and therefore had to be many golden ages. Every time a major catastrophe occurs, we are knocked back into the stone ages to start over. We are still starting over from the destruction of Atlantis and have not yet regained that Zenith of technology that the Atlanteans, Lemurians and Lemanians enjoyed long ago. We still have to track toward the next golden age. One thing we can feel rest assured about though, by the time we get there, white people with their recessive genes won’t be there. Just like they did not exist in the context that we understand them today, in the last golden age.

(200,000 yo ruins recently rediscovered in South Africa)

It has been said that there are megalithic ruins and remains on the surface of Mars. The Zulus of South Africa as well as many other African tribes have legends that speak of their origins being from Mars. Could it be that it was OUR Black African ancestors who were responsible for that civilization that once thrived on the now debunked red planet? Evidence points in that direction. It has been discussed within various circles of Astrophysicists that Mars was once a moon of another planet now destroyed. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is widely believed to be the remains of Mars’ parent planet. Referred to as Planet X. Tom Van Flandern has a very convincing “exploded planet hypothesis” that cannot be easily refuted by many scientists of today. If this and many of the other points I have brought forward in this essay are disseminated widely, that could force history as we know it to be rewritten.

There is information out there that could put world history into its proper perspective. However, the release of this information would be dangerous for White people. People have thrived on ignorance and fallacy and strive to keep the world in a deep sleep. Many are waking up from that deep sleep to understand what the United States Government and the Smithsonian Institute--the catalysts in maintaining widespread ignorance are trying to perpetuate. We must take it upon ourselves to learn what White people don’t want us to understand!"​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
if mutations didn't happen we'd all still be in the oceans

thats how things work retarded coli brehs

No...they are albino mutants. Notice how the Africans came from the creator, and notice how the non Africans minus the highly divergent Australians all come from a mutation of one particular set of Africans. They were not created of God!


They are Indian albinos.

The Tamahu - "The Created White People"
(Genetically Recessive Inbred, Albinoid, Mutant Invasions)

Bobby Hemmitt breaks it all the way down in this lecture and the part two.

Black Dynamite's episode on Dr. Yakub's Patmos Island. (they may have blocked it in the U.S....)

Many people fear referencing the Dr. Yacub story because they think that there is no scientific evidence to validate anything stated in it. The most pivotal fact that science has verified with regards to this "story" is the age of Caucasians. The odds of the 6,000 year date of the Tamahu's existence as told by the centuries old story should be far fetched and based in nothing dealing with science (according to some). To the naysayers tell me the odds of not one, but multiple genetic studies proving that pale eyes, hair and skin are only 6,000 year old mutations. There are no coincidences! These mutants are a by-product of the lower consciousness of the original melaninated man...Therefore they should not be hated because us blacks set the standard for how low they can go. The bad shat is already in the black man, but the highest of high is also within the black original man. The highest of high however is non existent in the Tamahu, who cannot get past their heart chakras. There intent and purpose is to normalize low frequency behavior to deter the original man from reaching that highest point/The Dragon, which is synonymous with their inevitable demise.
Understand black people that many Caucasians play dumb, but are fully aware of the information below.

"A veritable savage tattooed on various parts of his body" - Champollion

The Story

"Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians recorded the Tamahu, which means created white people.

Egyptian writings also refer to whites as Typhonians or People of Seth, both meaning “the devils.” After these “white devils” were first released into the Black community of the Near East 6000 years ago, they caused severe strife, thus the Africans rounded them up, stripped them of everything and exiled them to the caves and hills of the Caucasus Mountains. This explains the sudden appearance of white people in this region. To prevent their escaping Africans installed a series of guarded walls blocking all exits along that area from one sea to the other!
Thus “roping” them off (hence the word Europe). These walls have been witnessed and recorded by many European writers, including Pliny. Thus, totally cut off from civilization, the whites degenerated into uncivilized, nomadic savages. They remained this way for 2000 years until ‘Allah mercifully sent an Egyptian priest named Musa or Moses to civilize them.’
It was even stated that the Devils were walking on all fours until they were trained to walk upright, which explain THIS!

1) Genetically Recessive Inbred Mutants lack a Functioning Pineal Gland/Third Eye

Hence they are a by-product of our lower consciousness, and simply cannot ascend past the heart chakra. When they have attempted to do this through studying they spontaneously combust due to the "serpentine fire" of the Kundalini traveling up their non melainated/protected bodies like the melaninated rulers of ancient times.

As Bobby Hemmit explains in the opening video of this section, the ''mutation'' known as Caucasians was created by the ancient priesthoods of ancient Kemet after the fall of Atlantis (high consciousness). There was a civil war essentially between Set Worshipers and those priest who worshiped Heru. Set represents the lower chakras, and it was from those lower chakras that the Tamahu (created white man) was grafted off of;

,and for this reason they are a man-ifestation of our lower selves. The process of created these lower consciousness beings was through the metaphysical sciences of Tantra sex (sexual magic), and those new genetically recessive babies were created off of the lower chakra (child a set/them) rather than the higher chakras (child of Horus/heru/us), and this is why their pineal glands are calcified"

"Most whites have calcified pineal glands which thwarts Melatonin production, thereby limiting their moral capacity. Located in the brain,
the tiny pineal & pituitary glands regulate the body's other glands.
Esoteric tradition regards the area of these glands as the third eye, seat of the soul, and the mystical Uraeus represented by the cobra on the forehead of Egyptian royalty/crowns
. Why did Africans view the European
as a child of God, but the Europeans viewed the African as a soulless
savage? Because of "melatonin," described as a mentally & morally
stimulating humanizing hormone produced by the pineal gland. Scientific
research reveals that most whites are unable to produce much melatonin
because their pineal glands are often calcified and nonfunctional.
Pineal calcification rates with Africans is 5-15%;
Asians - 15-25%; Europeans 60-80% This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences
between Blacks and whites, causing some Black scholars to raise the
question that the European approach, that of the logical, erect, rigid,
anti-feeling posture, reflects a left brain orientation and reflects that
they lack the chemical key of melatonin to turn on their unconscious and
therefore cannot get into feelings. Carol Barnes writes "Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion,
truth, justice, and righteousness. Individuals (whites) containing low
levels of Melanin will behave in a barbaric manner."
Melanin give

humans the ability to FEEL because it is the absorber of all frequencies
of energy. Dr. Welsing writes "Since melanin is a superior absorber of
all energy , it is essential to establish this understanding of God and
'all energy.' The fact that the albinos (whites) lack melanin may also
help to explain ...why, in the view of many non-white peoples, they
(whites) lack 'spirituality" and the capacity to tune in to, and thereby
establish harmony and justice..."

2)The melanin of Caucasians unlike everything else in this universe that is Carbon based (666 on the periodic table), is sulfur based. Sulfur of course is the element associated with the Biblical Devil (not a coincidence)

"What they note as Hyperhomo-cysteinemia, a blood disorder marked by an excess amount of Sulfur amino acid(s) (the element associated with the Devil) shows a prevalence near 15% in European, Middle Eastern and Japanese populations, compared with a range at or below 1.4% in African Americans, among them, the condition can and will fluctuate seemingly sporadically and spontaneously as a result of constantly changing dynamics such as temperature and even emotion(s). Thus, the rate of Hyperhomocysteinemia or the presence of excessive amounts of Sulfuric amino acids in Caucasian persons cannot be measured by tools that render static results.

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May 16, 2012
No...they are albino mutants. Notice how the Africans came from the creator, and notice how the non Africans minus the highly divergent Australians all come from a mutation of one particular set of Africans. They were not created of God!


They are Indian albinos.


I think you mean Dravidian albinos. Modern Indians are just a combination of caucasians and dravidians.

The human race was originally split into two types. The curly/kinky hair black man from Africa and the straight/wavy hair black man from Asia. Caucasians are the albino version of the straight hair Asiatic black man.

The Nation of Islam's origin myth of the white man being a mutation of the Asiatic black man is looking like it was true.


Dec 20, 2015
All evolution occurs through mutation, so yes, the thread title is factually correct although it doesn't say very much. Those mutations that help with the survival of a species or that of a specific population of a species stick around; those mutations that aren't helpful aren't passed down to successive generations.

The only question is whether evolution and mutation occurs completely at random or if there is some sort of purpose to it. Advocates of scientism insist that absolutely everything in the whole universe is completely random and chaotic; rationalists (who I side with) on the other hand argue that there exists a reason for everything, nothing happens at random and what we need to do is work on figuring out the reasons for why things happen.


Dec 20, 2015
I recall learning about a certain species of moth only found in London, England and its recent evolutionary history back in high school. Now this was about 12 years ago so my memory is a little hazy, but as I remember it the moths were originally sort of a light brown colour, like most moths around the world. But in the 18th century as the Industrial Revolution began and London's air and atmosphere became very polluted, most of the light moths died out since they stood out against the smokey, polluted sky, and were easy for predators to spot and kill. So within a few decades almost all the moths were dark coloured, because the dark coloured mutation proved helpful to survival in the new ecosystem of Industrial London.

But then by the start of the 20th century London's air became a lot cleaner as technology improved and there was less pollution being emitted. Now the dark moths became threatened because it was they who were easy for predators to spot against the clear sky and sunlight. But things didn't quite go back to the way they were before the Industrial Revolution; instead, because the underground railway had been built by this time the moths just relocated to the tunnels where they still live and thrive today. The moths on the outside however are uniformly the light brown moths. They've essentially become separate species now.