you honestly think most of these people even voted?Nothing good can happen when you live under a bridge or overpass... besides these goblins more than likely voted for Trump, so fukk em...
you honestly think most of these people even voted?Nothing good can happen when you live under a bridge or overpass... besides these goblins more than likely voted for Trump, so fukk em...
you honestly think most of these people even voted?
Please do, I use shyt like that for my beat videos.The train stop in the videos are at Somerset Station aka Zombieland I have some videos of that place I'll upload to youtube and post in a minute ....some crazy shyt there it's like a horror movie
So here are three videos I shot coming off the Somerset Stop in Kensington. There were homeless camps out of site along the Amtrak tracks that pass through this neighborhood. The city kicked all of the campers out of the tracks and chopped down all the trees. This forced all the addicts back on the street and this area is overflowing with heroine addicts. Coming off the stop they do drugs in the open on the steps. I have to watch my step because there are needs and needle caps everywhere. In one of the videos you can even see a need receptacle for used needles its that bad. There's a AA/NA spot at the bottom of the step they hang out and get food but yea we call this place zombieland. I had these videos on my phone for a while just uploaded for this thread.
Is this a black white or Latino neighborhood?
Hard to if you have a square kensington ave splits it down the middle...and say the horizontal would be Somerset (where this stop is)
the immediate area heading east is mostly white because you then get into Port Richmond where I live. But it aint all like this gets more middle class blue collar once you go far east enough.
To the west it gets more latino thats when you head to the notorious "Bad Lands" and north philly. So it's mostly white then it gets latino not too much black population but they are more on the latino side.
You don't see predominately black neighborhoods until you go west of broad st. from like 16-17th on from north of Girard west. and South West (Broad is essentially 14th St.). So when Meek Mill talks about 20 something and Berks thats west of Broad St.
Long Story short tho like 90% of the junkies i see here are white
Where do most of the Latinos live in Philly?
I'm still dying at the fact that posters think cacs from the heart of Philadelphia are trump voters