See this is extremely flimsy and based on assumptions
Assumption 1. greed and altruism are objective; they are the furthest thing from it. My altruism is your greed, my injustice is your justice and so forth. There is no reason to base economics off this, it is in my view asinine.
Assumption 2. you assume that I have support for government and of itself, which is also not true. I support reason based economic initiatives based not on moral values but tried and tested programs which will help facilitate a lubricated economic environment which are conducive to growth.
You laugh when I say that you are talking about your opinion, when really that's all you or any other Libertarian talks about. If you want to debate me on Austrian economics, do your research on that and make a contention. If you want to talk about liberalization and the privatization model, talk to me about that with your substance. Discussions on morality and rationality when talking about a secular open society are totally nonsensical.
1- fair enough, though human nature, which both are part of, must be factored into any system or that system is fundamentally flawed.
2- I can respect that.
I laughed because I know -facts dont change peoples minds-. If i copy pasted links or charts supporting my talking points, it would do little to convince anyone here(i could be wrong). I am looking for common sense discussion, where some one can(through the course of the discussion) have their eyes opened or at least begin to consider alternatives. myself included.
I scrutinize everything, my own ideology included, and I encourage others to do the same.
Academic discussions in my experience bare little fruit online.