you have an incorrect view of my position. i think "western" medcine and "natural" medicine can bth be beneficial and ive said that many times. they both have their own strengths and weaknesses and it's about assessing the medical situation of the individual.
i dont buy into western medicine as the only option, especially when medical malpractice is a leading cause of death for americans. plus we have more people sick, in pain, and on drugs than at any other time in history. all this to me suggests our health care system is not doing a good job.
i also happen to know things like herbs, meditation, proper breathing, a good diet, massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga, etc., all have legitimate health benefits, especially the herbs. herbs have been healing people naturally for thousands of years and some idiots still doubt their validity, despite the fact most pharmaceuticals when they are created are usually designed to mimic natural compounds discovered in plants.
my general theory on healing: if i have the time i will utilize natural methods because natural methods are safer and their effects more permanent. if the medical condition does not allow enough time for natural methods then i will utilize western methods. it's really whatever the situation calls for.
go learn how to properly read a scientific study you brown stained shytty mouth bytch
breh... you have to stop miseducating the people out here.
STOP trying to explain my beliefs to others because you get it wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. all the above statements are taken out of a larger context and totally misrepresented.
i stated in both those situations that i would gather all the pertinent information and make a decision based on that, nothing more nothing less. and again, if i have the time im going with natural methods, if i dont have the time ill go with western methods.
really take the time to let that sink in so we avoid miscommunicating in the future.
at least someone has reading comprehension skills
ive said it before and ill say it again. i would gather all the information pososible, get a wide variety of viewpoints, and then make the best decision based on available evidence.