The Odum of Ala Igbo
Hail Biafra!
@The Odum of Ala Igbo the GDP per capita sharply rose from $1098 to $3227 from 2009-2014
Then it fail from 2014 to 2017 from $3227 to $1986.
SO to sum it up it had to have been a combination of factors right? Drop in oil prises, instability, Boko Haram, something!? But thst was also a sharp increase from 2009 to 2014, moreso then any other African nation.
In comparison, Equatorial Guinea, the "richest" country in SSA, had a gdp per captia of $19245 in 2014 which was comparable to western countries, than it dropped to $9200 in 2016. Something happened in 2016 which made these gdp's drop. Like a change in oil prices since both EG and Nigheria is dependent on oil.
It was largely oil and Buhari’s monetary policies