It's just one more thing in a long line of dumb shyt from WWE. There is just way too much empty space on the belt. A championship belt should look prestigious. Outside of the I.C belt they all look like they were designed to sell toys.

As a kid I was getting my mum to buy me all of those toy belts. Hell I even had the Hardcore toy beltToys are gonna sell regardless. I had loads of figures too and they weren't all Rock/Austin I had a Bob Holly - Kids will buy them whatever.
How legit does that IWGP belt look though
EXACTLY, and, breh, here's the difference. The current WWE title looks like a belt. Right now, it's just a belt for a show. If you win it, you'll have it for a while and eventually hot-shot it over to someone else, but it's not something you'd be as compelled to frame on your mantle compared to IWGP title. Why?
...because IWGP title looks like a fukking CHAMPIONSHIP. It looks like you had to go through some shyt to get it. It has a bunch of name-plates on it
All of the name-plates on it has to have a guy thinking, " name's going to be on that thing FOREVER. All of that hard work and they respect my shyt enough to have me in such rare company." :lupegarvey: :wowwow:
It's just one more thing in a long line of dumb shyt from WWE. There is just way too much empty space on the belt. A championship belt should look prestigious. Outside of the I.C belt they all look like they were designed to sell toys.
I like the new title as well as the Big Gold Belt. But I took some time off from watching wrestling from 02-09 when I came back this was the Ship
And I was likethat shyt is tight.
At first I just didn't like that design cause it didn't live up to past designs, but now I just hate it cause it represents the (ongoing)era of WWE
This era though it has some bright spots (Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro) is no better than that era. Although this era it seems is more becuz of the booking and decision making backstage. There is some great talent right now but there's a failure on higher ups to get behind that talent and let it truly shine.
The way I see it, this was on track to be a new era but it has reverted to 2009-2010 levels of lame.
Really, when this whole era is looked back on it will be seen as one long John Cena era that had some bright spots.
I was already turned off by WWE but after everything Punk said I'm even less inclined to want to watch cause it doesn't sound like the type of environment that's gonna produce anything cool on purpose.
Right!Good ol' marketing. Just plaster the WWE logo all over it and nothing else.