Yes, I am in the same boat. I'm a person that puts his chip in science and the scientific method, so even thought I believe certain things, I always defer to those who ask for scientific evidence. I can't provide it, so my opinion or beliefs are wrong until I or someone else can provide the proof. I think it's a good system. It might slow down the advance of certain things, but it's the only "fair" system.
instead of viewing it as "wrong," view more along the lines of "undecided" or "neutral," because we are not 100% sure that that is NOT the case, although at this current point we may not be able to prove it scientifically.
this is important mentally because the mind weighs all incoming information in the context of prior beliefs. so if you have a belief that the mind cannot exist without the physical body, then you will be influenced to interpret the incoming information in that paradigm. so basically thats why its so easy for humans to only truly investigate and interact with information that supports their viewpoints.
i myself too am guilty of this, of looking at information only in a way that can support my prior beliefs, and not weighing all sides equally. and then even worse is not doing my due diligence in the follow-up investigation of the true facts.
Can you give me an example of what you mean? How do you know what you know is not an illusion that your brain has created?
this whole shyt is an illusion that my brain creates. made out of atoms that combine to create a pattern that creates an object thats here for a brief moment and then gone.
our physical vessel, brain included, can only "interact" with about 3% of the energy around us. and energy at its most fundamental level contains information, sort of like cosmic dna. but with our human senses and with our human body we can only handle that small percentage of the incoming energy/information. so the physical reality projection we are creating with our brain/senses is a shytty representation of what really exists.
I'm asking because I am writing an extremely large and detailed philosophical paper on this very subject, and could use different perspectives to shape an argument.
to be honest ive had some very powerful experiences in meditations. and ive experienced completely different states of awareness of who i am and where i am.
but i think you have to make peace with whether youre looking for a philosophical argument, an experiential argument, or a scientific argument, or how youre going to blend the three.
but type you truly believe that once this physical vessel body dies, everything you are ceases to exist?