It's getting to the point where we almost are gonna have to tag damn near everyone who was a big name between the mid 70's thru the 80's as a total racist until proven otherwise with time stamped documentation geez.
I feel how I feel about Ric's WRESTLING CHARACTER, it's hard to totally throw away something so intrigal to MY childhood so cats can kick rocks with all that caping shyt before u even start it.
shyt doesn't feel good being that I've met the man numerous times both when I was doing working in the night club scene and just out and about thinking I was pro'ally just "another ni$$a" in his view.
The more you hear about that Crockett era and how cats were allowed to conduct themselves is straight disturbing. Ugh man
.. I'm kinda sick at how he is praised and quoted in Rap songs
I met this grandaddy Cac at a hotel about 4 months ago ..never a fan of wresting like that but after see in him show luv 2 the 49ers in there pre game speech a season ago i decided to approach the man
Ric gave me the Mj treatment but the Alternative Universe version .. the ric flair Rule
i entered a lift at the pan pacific
and I Started by saying man no offence but u look very familiar( keep n mind i aint a big wrestling fan .. he has aged significantly and i was wondering he would be doin at this hotel )..
he replied with no i don't.. as soon as i heard the voice i knew who he was ..he was visibly intoxicated .. and in a foul mood
I said yeah bruuuh u the nature boy .. he said don't bruh me ' homey '
i won't lie i been round a lot of celeb - big name artists/ personalities and NEVER - has anyone spoken 2 me like that
keep in mind as i said earlier i aint a fan on this old ass fake tan lotion mf or his movements .. so this shyt didn't faze me 1 bit
i said ay homey why don't u take this pic wit me real quick ..
his response
mine was
next move was his and he goes ...I think this is your floor and the bell ringed as the elevator doors open .. of course it wasn't my floor but he had made his intentions noted
i was about to slap him wit a 2 piece combo but seein how drunk n depressed he was i thought id let him be .. i said mines the next floor which also happened to be his funnily enough ,,and he kept looking back at me as we went our separate ways .. i went back 2 chill wit mo beatz big seams DJ and told him the experience and we both decided that this would now be termed the the Ric Flair Rule!!!
That's why macho goat will always be my favorite white wrestler never heard a racist story about him.
That stone cold story hurt my heart brehs
HHH played that racist role a little too well makes me wonder about him too
Then we also got stories about Andre the Giant, Pillman and the warrior![]()
HHH played that racist role a little too well makes me wonder about him too
That's why macho goat will always be my favorite white wrestler never heard a racist story about him.
That stone cold story hurt my heart brehs
HHH played that racist role a little too well makes me wonder about him too
Then we also got stories about Andre the Giant, Pillman and the warrior![]()
Im kindabut its not hard to believe, like with Michael Hayes. But its not just them... im waiting for that list of others that havent been exposed on here already.
FLAIR WAS ACTUALLY THE GUY WHO WANTED TO BOOK HARLEM HEAT AS COLONEL PARKER'S SLAVES, BROTHER!Another dude told me back in the day when WCW used to come to town Flair slapped the Fukkk outta his boy and called him a Nikka
Hell yeah he is, i read about it here with the Mark Henry thing, i also read something about him spray painting the N-word on one of the black wrestler's car because he won the belt...didnt know about Hayes... saw him in a airport around this time last year...he dapped me but had a super Pops even picked up on it