Lamest shyt I've ever heard. You fukking joke you.cant believe a grown man saying this shyt. ",My childhood!!!!!".It's getting to the point where we almost are gonna have to tag damn near everyone who was a big name between the mid 70's thru the 80's as a total racist until proven otherwise with time stamped documentation geez.
I feel how I feel about Ric's WRESTLING CHARACTER, it's hard to totally throw away something so intrigal to MY childhood so cats can kick rocks with all that caping shyt before u even start it.
shyt doesn't feel good being that I've met the man numerous times both when I was doing working in the night club scene and just out and about thinking I was pro'ally just "another ni$$a" in his view.
The more you hear about that Crockett era and how cats were allowed to conduct themselves is straight disturbing. Ugh man
It's getting to the point where we almost are gonna have to tag damn near everyone who was a big name between the mid 70's thru the 80's as a total racist until proven otherwise with time stamped documentation geez.
I feel how I feel about Ric's WRESTLING CHARACTER, it's hard to totally throw away something so intrigal to MY childhood so cats can kick rocks with all that caping shyt before u even start it.
shyt doesn't feel good being that I've met the man numerous times both when I was doing working in the night club scene and just out and about thinking I was pro'ally just "another ni$$a" in his view.
The more you hear about that Crockett era and how cats were allowed to conduct themselves is straight disturbing. Ugh man
Come to think of it, Macho is the only old school cac wrestler who I never heard any fukk shyt about.
Tom Glavine? Doug Flutie? Nyggas from my teams and they Republicans to the core..scandalous.