oh great... then maybe you can tell us where electricity comes from... and why flowing electrons create waves of electricity that we humans can use both internally and externally for energy.
Electricity doesn't "come" from anything. It's a measure of flow. 0 flow = 0 electricity. It would be like saying the river comes from water. While in a way that's correct, a river is a flow of water, it only occurs when there is a force from pressure/gravity pushing water from one direction to another. if there is no water flowing, it's not a river, it's a lake. A more accurate question would be what does electricity consist of, of which you can say charged particles. Now, some interesting question/concepts:
On a philosophical level:
Electricity naturally occurs in waves. Everything we are using now, is an approximation of the electron wave. But why a wave? Why not squares, circles? Why is it not continuous within itself, but never lost or gained? How does something that moves linearly produce 3-dimensional effects, after all, you don't get drawn to a river's magnetism? How can a real thing be in two places at once? How can we correlate the formulation of electricity with evolution, that all this happened by chance? You mean to tell me out of nothing evolved electromagnetic flux? Why are there constants in electrical mechanics/physics?
On a mathematical level:
How can we include gravity in a unified field theory (UFT) ? Why does gravity not really fit in to the UFT at the molecular level?
The coolest thing about electricity is that it fundamentally challenges human reasoning in the normal sense. A human mind can't rationalize being in two places at once, about moving while technically standing still, etc etc. Electricity IMHO is one of the "coolest" phenomena in the scientific world, because at the molecular level nothing is intuitive, it runs contrary to anything the average person might think logical/reasonable.