Time really made you look dumb as shyt
Na. Statement still stands. Bernie still losing. Biden on TV all day sounding and looking presidential.

By the way, this shyt must of cut you deep for you to be going back days to quote me.
Time really made you look dumb as shyt
A Trump fan complaining about a candidate not supporting reparations.![]()
Warren didn't endorse Bernie because his sorry ass team waited until the WEEK OF for a collaboration! AND SANDERS TEAM IGNORED HER PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS!
Last weekend, a few days after Elizabeth Warren dropped out, Shakir and one of his deputy campaign managers, Ari Rabin-Havt, started contacting her top staffers and supporters to see what could be done to bring together the two camps before the primaries on Tuesday.
Sanders spoke to Warren a “handful” of times throughout the week, a campaign aide confirmed, but she has declined to offer her endorsement.
Several leading figures in Warren’s circle balked at the outreach effort — Sanders and his aides, they said, had months to lay the groundwork for that kind of partnership, but only did so this week from a position of desperation. About a month ago, when it was clear that Warren had little chance to win, one such person said they put out feelers to Sanders’ operation in an attempt to start a running conversation. They showed little interest, the person said, in reciprocating.
Others questioned whether Sanders could have prevented such a swift consolidation of the field had he reached out to candidates like Buttigieg and Klobuchar in a more concerted way.
“That's the Sanders model — they were gonna do it themselves,” said Adam Jentleson, a Democratic strategist who supported Warren. “His challenge from day one was to reach out to people who weren't with him in 2016 and build a bridge to the rest of the party.”
“I would feel differently about it if the other half of the equation was present for them: a wave of new voters and unprecedented youth turnout,” Jentleson added. “But it’s not there.”
@wire28 @Th3G3ntleman @ezrathegreat @Jello Biafra @humble forever @Dameon Farrow @Piff Perkins @Pressure @johnedwarduado @Armchair Militant @panopticon @Tres Leches @ADevilYouKhow @dtownreppin214
Na. Statement still stands. Bernie still losing. Biden on TV all day sounding and looking presidential.
By the way, this shyt must of cut you deep for you to be going back days to quote me.
Over a trillion dollars thrown into the market today for nothing. Sounds like the “free shyt” you spoke against. With trillions more to come. You’re so immersed in “haha you lost!” That you forgot to type something smart. It’s alright, you don’t know any better.
It was a call that had to be made. Pissing off the 13% of youth voters who actually cared enough to pause Hulu and get out and vote in the primaries was acceptable collateral damage
I thought the youth vote would turnout for Bernie like they did for Obama. To be honest, I think Obama was a once in a lifetime phenomenon. I'm not sure if there's anyone who can turnout people of color and the youth the way Obama did. Democrats are in a dire situation because they're not going to be able to replicate Obama. Their only hope is if the economy falters which will spook enough old people to go with Biden.
they should have backed warren instead of being afraid of new taxesObama was like if you made a politician in a lab.
Former model...
Ivy league grad...
And this being the 21st century, he was black but not "too black" which satisfied both black people and older whites...
And he was coming off the disastrous Bush Jr presidency which saw many young people send their friends and loved ones to the middle east to risk their lives over a war fueled by outright lies.
You're absolutely right it was a perfect storm.
They tried to replicate the Obama effect with Mayor Pete
Clean cut handsome young white guy...
Ivy league educated...
This being the 21st century, Gay but not too gay
But there was no disaster of the Trump presidency. And to be honest, Dems kinda shot their credibility by endlessly screaming about the dire consequences of a Trump Presidency that never materialized. They even tried to fabricate issues and failed multiple times.
If the Dems actually thought this race was winnable they would have diverted all the delegates and put the Spotlight on Mayor Pete like they did Obama. My guess is that they're saving him and will use the next 4 years to raise his profile.