Let's discuss the true meaning behind the Bible


Feb 21, 2015
The message Moses gave was about following the Most High and His commandments. your message? Not so much. In fact you falsely said the new covenant replaced the commandments when the Most High said that the new covenant was His commandments being written on Israel’s heart.

He comes not merely to show divinity to us, but to impart divinity to us; rather, to evolve the latent divinity which He first implanted in us. Please understand bro, you are more powerful than you think!

I'm mean, I think you're both right. Don't know why there needs to be disagreement.

The new covenant is the summation of the old covenant. It affirms the law.
However, I would clarify two points on both sides.

1) God requires more than just obedience and following the commandments which are all works. The call to follow Christ was not a commandment. The piece that is missing is Faith. Faith + Works. Faith in the redemptive power of Christ which bridges the gap between Heaven and Earth, between God and Man. And the evidence of that Faith which is our works and obedience to his commandments.

2) Our divinity comes, inasmuch, that we become one in Christ. We are divine because Christ is divine.
As a man leaves his house to find his wife, and they become one flesh.
So does the Bridegroom (Christ) becomes one with his Bride (the Church).
We die to Christ, we resurrect in his divine nature.
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May 31, 2012
I'm mean, I think you're both right. Don't know why there needs to be disagreement.

The new covenant is the summation of the old covenant. It affirms the law.
However, I would clarify two points on both sides.

1) God requires more than just obedience and following the commandments which are all works. The call to follow Christ was not a commandment. The piece that is missing is Faith. Faith + Works. Faith in the redemptive power of Christ which bridges the gap between Heaven and Earth, between God and Man. And the evidence of that Faith which is our works and obedience to his commandments.

2) Our divinity comes, inasmuch, that we become one in Christ. We are divine because Christ is divine.
As a man leaves his house to find his wife, and they become one flesh.
So does the Bridegroom (Christ) becomes one with his Bride (the Church).
We die to Christ, we resurrect in his divine nature.

I agree.
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Nov 21, 2013
I'm mean, I think you're both right. Don't know why there needs to be disagreement.

The new covenant is the summation of the old covenant. It affirms the law.
However, I would clarify two points on both sides.

1) God requires more than just obedience and following the commandments which are all works.

No need to carry on past this.

1 Samuel 15:22
But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

Obedience is the ONLY thing God requires. That’s one. Two? The new covenant as I told the other guy is God writing his law, the same one Moses gave, on the hearts of Israel (not everyone). That’s what Jeremiah 31 says.

But because you guys have to fit your fake Jesus into the Old Testament you rearrange what it says. That’s your call breh, but Jesus, yeshua, yahawashi or whatever you want to call that gentile creation written about in the gentile New Testament won’t save you. Only the God of Israel can save you.. take it or leave it but it won’t change anything


May 31, 2012
No need to carry on past this.

1 Samuel 15:22
But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

Obedience is the ONLY thing God requires. That’s one. Two? The new covenant as I told the other guy is God writing his law, the same one Moses gave, on the hearts of Israel (not everyone). That’s what Jeremiah 31 says.

But because you guys have to fit your fake Jesus into the Old Testament you rearrange what it says. That’s your call breh, but Jesus, yeshua, yahawashi or whatever you want to call that gentile creation written about in the gentile New Testament won’t save you. Only the God of Israel can save you.. take it or leave it but it won’t change anything

It's fine bro! As I said previously, you'll understand Christ when the time is right. Until then Shalom!


Nov 21, 2013
It's fine bro! As I said previously, you'll understand Christ when the time is right. Until then Shalom!

Sorry my guy but the post was clearly directed at someone else who quoted me. I already understand you say things you can’t prove. To each their own...


Feb 21, 2015
No need to carry on past this.

1 Samuel 15:22
But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

Obedience is the ONLY thing God requires. That’s one.

The addition of Faith alongside Works, is a New Testament idea. So if you disregard the New Testament, then its understandable that you disregard Faith. I'm not interested in debating you on a New Testament 'idea' if you're not on board with the New Testament.

I consider 'Works' to be a "commitment to obedience." So in that regard, I would agree with you on the importance of obedience.

I disagree that it is the only thing that God requires.

And the scripture that you quoted is not a good scripture if you are trying to make that point.

The use of the language "as much as" connotes a "greater emphasis".

It does not denote 'only' and neither does the use of that language render void offerings and sacrifices in the same sentence.

Additionally, the use of 'better' denotes 'prioritization'. Prioritization does not mean 'sufficiency'.

In other words, the scripture does not convey that obedience is "sufficient only." The scripture conveys that obedience to God should be greatly emphasized and prioritized.

I would suggest you pull a different old testament scripture to make your point if you're going to render the New Testament void.

I'm a stickler for language so make sure the scriptures that you pull mean what they mean and not what you read into them.

Two? The new covenant as I told the other guy is God writing his law, the same one Moses gave, on the hearts of Israel (not everyone). That’s what Jeremiah 31 says.

But because you guys have to fit your fake Jesus into the Old Testament you rearrange what it says. That’s your call breh, but Jesus, yeshua, yahawashi or whatever you want to call that gentile creation written about in the gentile New Testament won’t save you. Only the God of Israel can save you.. take it or leave it but it won’t change anything

You render the New Testament and Christ void, yet you speak of an active New Covenant?

What scriptures do you have from the Old Testament that establishes that God put a New Covenant into place before the accounts of the New Testament?

Or do you believe that the New Covenant has yet to be established?
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Feb 21, 2015
It's actually an OT idea and wasn't an addition.

Genesis 15:6​

I'm not saying that the concept of faith did not exist in the OT. I'm saying that the idea of faith as a requisite for salvation was not born out of the OT.

The OT Jews believed in communal/collective/national salvation. And the way to that as a nation was repentance, good deeds, and devotion to obedience.

Salvation was also for the here and now as it was viewed in the sense of being a saving and restoration of Israel. It was not posited as currency for the "hereafter" since Old Testament Jews had not developed theology around an afterlife, another NT creation, an idea that was born out of the resurrection of Christ.

The NT idea of individual salvation by ones own faith is even seen as a form of idolatry by some Christians scholars, since it diverges from historical OT concepts of communal salvation. As if any one person alone can attain their own salvation outside of the collective. Pronouns turn from "us" to "me" and flies in the face of a truth about oneness and unity revealed in Christ's own commandment conveying our relation to God and fellow humanity.

The official stance of the Catholic Church is that the covenants that God created with Israel remains unbroken. And, if at the foundation of a covenant is "relationship" then we have a conundrum on its face with the Jewish nations inacceptance of the revelation of Christ, while still engaged in unbroken relationship with God, and Christ's own proclamation of "I am the way..."

I think Protestants would say that those covenants were broken. However, this is something I'm not even interested in having a debate on as I don't have the theological range.


May 31, 2012
Sorry my guy but the post was clearly directed at someone else who quoted me. I already understand you say things you can’t prove. To each their own...

When I say I AM, that means the work is already done. There's nothing to prove, no sign to be given to you. You use the same arguments as the Scribes and Pharises, because you cannot see your own divinity. I see it, and I am here to help you see it. GOD told Moses to go to the Children of Israel and declare, I AM hath sent me unto you. What does that mean to you? How do you know I haven't been sent to wake you up? If you're an Israelite like you say you are, then it would make sense that you reject my message, as the children of Israel rejected Moses too. I AM still praying for you bro!


Nov 21, 2013
The addition of Faith alongside Works, is a New Testament idea. So if you disregard the New Testament, then its understandable that you disregard Faith. I'm not interested in debating you on a New Testament 'idea' if you're not on board with the New Testament.

I consider 'Works' to be a "commitment to obedience." So in that regard, I would agree with you on the importance of obedience.

I disagree that it is the only thing that God requires.

And the scripture that you quoted is not a good scripture if you are trying to make that point.

The use of the language "as much as" connotes a "greater emphasis".

It does not denote 'only' and neither does the use of that language render void offerings and sacrifices in the same sentence.
I don’t get into semantics my guy. Obedience means listening right? So how can God even require MORE than listening to Him? It makes no sense and you only argue it to get out of obeying the commandments..

Additionally, the use of 'better' denotes 'prioritization'. Prioritization does not mean 'sufficiency'.

In other words, the scripture does not convey that obedience is "sufficient only." The scripture conveys that obedience to God should be greatly emphasized and prioritized.

I would suggest you pull a different old testament scripture to make your point if you're going to render the New Testament void.

I'm a stickler for language so make sure the scriptures that you pull mean what they mean and not what you read into them.

Be a stickler for obeying God instead. It will get you further.

You render the New Testament and Christ void, yet you speak of an active New Covenant?

What scriptures do you have from the Old Testament that establishes that God put a New Covenant into place before the accounts of the New Testament?

Or do you believe that the New Covenant has yet to be established?

I never said the new covenant was in effect. I said that that Jeremiah 31 says the new covenant is the law being written on Israel’s heart. And the Bible has God explaining that new covenant Hisself. But because the NT has muddied up your mind you ignore what God said Hisself for the nonsense in the NT. The nonsense where all the “thus says the Lord’s” are taken out for the words of men like Pauly or Petey or Marky Mark...

You can’t get around it. The beginning and end is with following Gods commandments


Nov 21, 2013
There's nothing to prove,

Of course there isn’t. You can’t prove something that’s false :yeshrug:

Israel fell for not listening to the law of Moses. Yet you pretend it had to do with them not recognizing their god divinity. All you are is a new Ager masquerading as a Bible believer.