Show is quickly reaching the point of being super wack. It doesn't even feel like its the same universe anymore. Seems childish. Can't even say they're going the Harry Potter route, as the HP movies got darker and more mature after the third film. Also, I don't understand why they're stuck on Malivore (a wack ass villian anyway) and the Necromancer (even wacker).
In TVD, you had the Tomb vampires in S1, Klaus and the Werewolves in S2, Klaus and his family in S3, Silas, The Cure and the Hunters in S4, Silas, Quetsiyah and the Travelers in S5, Kai and the Gemini coven in S6, The Heretics in S7, Sirens and Cade in S8.
Likewise, in TO, you had the Harvest Witches in S1, Dahlia in S2, Tristan, Aurora and Lucian in S3, The Hollow in S4, and the Nazi family + the Hollow again in S5.
Sh*t was always changing. Always had new villains. Yet they been on Malivore for 3 seasons. They get a new show and suddenly fukk with the formula