Lebron really looks old now

THE 101

House Painter
May 9, 2012
I have no idea who you are


Roger king

May 24, 2022
I get it.. your claim to fame is being a Lebron hater on a Kobe Stan site.

Maybe you should have focused on actual real life shyt and been focused on getting out of mommy and daddy’s basement
Bro dont try to use logic or facts here, they try to gang up on you in groups and smear you when they cant debate simple facts. Expecting reasonable basketball discussions from this stans mad lebron surpassed alot of their favorites years ago was your only fault.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Best scorer of all time only has 1 scoring title while being behind MJ in both reg season, playoff and finals ppg? And Bron only shoots 37% when he's outside of 3 ft? :laff:

The only basis for him being in the argument is longevity.

Yea HE (and the media) created the argument but that ship sailed 12 years ago.. He's simply a team hopping quitter that needed to team hop to teams with hand pick players all to still fall terribly short of accomplishing everything MJ did.

:mjlol:This is typical Bron babble. Cavs go 66-16? Lebron dragged them there so give him all the credit. When they lose? Its the "helps" fault and he jumps ship to a hand picked team with 1 or more top 5 at their position players.

Its amazing you think time will benefit Lebron when it will actually hurt him. Those steroid rumours are only gonna get louder once the media stops clogging their ears like they did when KG said he on the Lebalco juice or Chael sonnen saying they had the same steroid plug.
LeBron earned his way into the conversation in his youth the way everyone else did: being the most dominant player in The League, and that dominance was validated by wins, titles, and MVPs...

His showings in the playoffs are of such an iconic stature that the only person I'll even entertain as a better playoff performer EVER, is Mike. There's nobody else even worth mentioning with Bron. It took fam until he was like Y18 or some shyt to lose a first round series, most the greats careers were over by 18 years...

Having only one scoring title is such a weak way to view someone's scoring prowess, and for the record I'm more confident in my belief he's the best player ever, than best scorer. But he's in the conversation for GOAT scorer too 🤣 you know there are 22 guys with 2+ scoring titles in NBA history. I know damn well you don't think there's been 22 greater scorers than LeBron in NBA history 😂

Of all the guys I've seen in a quarter century watching NBA ball, the only ones I'd even entertain as greater scorers than Bron are Kobe and Durant, and ultimately I'd take Bron over both because he routinely got buckets with more responsibilities than those two, especially in the postseason. How many times did Kobe or Durant have to, in addition to being their team's top scorer, also be their teams best defender and best playmaker?

Bron had to wear all three hats more often, and also took teams further while wearing all three hats and still getting buckets. So I'd take him over those two because if those two had that burden consistently they wouldn't score as much, but they the only two I'd even entertain, of players I've seen, in a GOAT scorer convo with Bron...

Time will help his legacy because many of us took for granted how great he was in his heyday. No other athlete of the modern era was nitpicked to death the way Bron was. That's not even debatable...

Lastly, he didn't need to accomplish everything Mike did. Bron played in a tougher era, with more sophisticated schemes, coaching, and better players across the board, than Mike, and still dominated. A bunch of All-Timers could go run the 90s. Mike wasn't running the 80s, though. He's better than Mike fam and at this point has been better than Mike for a long time...