Freeing Pokemon From Their Masters Since 1996
This former marine's rant pretty much sums up how I feel about this god forsaken country:
lol wow sounds like a paradise to me. When I was growing up it felt like I was the only person in the entire Brooklyn borough who was into classical music. Some people even called me a c00n for it.
you ain't 'bout that life, you gon' be eating soylent green with the rest of the reeducated citizens
But on a serious note, we've all known this been coming, that's why so many CACs been retreating to the farmlands and building up small arsenals. Look what happened at Waco. That other Bill Cooper guy shot by cops. The drugging and dumbing down of America. I'm in Mexico right now I swear to you it seems like 70% of the youth have a bachelor's degree. Last year when I was in South America the youth attended a violin prodigy's concert like it was a Lil' Wayne concert. The sad thing is that America show it cared by voting for Obama. The fact that CACs went out and voted for a black man shows you that even the racist CACs felt something was wrong with the country, and hoped Obama not being from the political machine would be different. It's obvious the change isn't going to happen from voting, but from grassroots action. Unfortunately, I think it will take the government attacking civilians for everybody to wake up, but like the frog cookin' in the pot, it may be too late by then.
lol wow sounds like a paradise to me. When I was growing up it felt like I was the only person in the entire Brooklyn borough who was into classical music. Some people even called me a c00n for it.