Et in Arcadia ego...
The document is a Army field manual titled FM 3-39.40 which can be found at
Active_FM - Army Doctrine and Training Publications or
Its detention plans are not dissimilar too REX 84 or Garden Plot
Resisting Reagan: The U.S. Central America Peace Movement - Christian Smith - Google Books
Break-Ins Death Threats and the FBI: The Covert War Against the Central ... - Ross Gelbspan - Google Books
The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America - Peter Dale Scott - Google Books
Washington's War on Nicaragua - Holly Sklar - Google Books
Reagan Aides and the Secret Government - The Miami Herald -July 5, 1987
Active_FM - Army Doctrine and Training Publications or
Its detention plans are not dissimilar too REX 84 or Garden Plot
Resisting Reagan: The U.S. Central America Peace Movement - Christian Smith - Google Books
Break-Ins Death Threats and the FBI: The Covert War Against the Central ... - Ross Gelbspan - Google Books
The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America - Peter Dale Scott - Google Books
Washington's War on Nicaragua - Holly Sklar - Google Books
Reagan Aides and the Secret Government - The Miami Herald -July 5, 1987