Rollo Goodlove
Palestine Titty
Imagine a f that nikka found a wear house full of old fila suits and cut the tags off of em
Lol I hope that man get with a good manufacture and eats tho
Imagine a f that nikka found a wear house full of old fila suits and cut the tags off of em
Using some suggestions on here
Name still cumbersome as fukk though
The name isUsing some suggestions on here
Name still cumbersome as fukk though
nike hating on a strong black family.
End of the day, they might fail but all it takes is one to have any kind of success for things to change. Cacs only respect money and violence
Lonzo is more of an Adidas guy anyways.
Go back to work employee. Everyone ain't built to ball.You do realize this isn't the first time an athlete has done this, right? Marbury and Shaq did it before him. There's a reason why athletes don't go this route. It takes millions of dollars of R&D to get a shoe right in the first place and even more money to push it forward in the future. Nike is a machine and it's one less thing those athletes need to worry about. There's a way to go about this if you want to own your own brand, but he's doing it wrong and it's even worse that he's treating his son's career as collateral damage.
You don't help out other black folks by blindly cheerleading them to do something wrong. This could've been his plan with the 3rd kid, who is offensively talented and has a massive following, and it would've been 3-4 years of proper planning with checks he got from Nike to pay for the whole thing. If you're doing it smart and actually have power you're never using your own money.
Here's why it wouldn't work:Dudes can say what they want about Lavar, but dude is smart. He's playing the ownership game and that is something cac society does not like to see from black men.
They have no problem paying you millions of dollars to be an employee because no one is worried about what a worker does
The BBB brand doesn't need to take over the market. Since they own the brand, even if they get half of one percent of the shoe market, they'd be multi, multi millionaires with equity in a brand that they can expand as they see fit. That's called POWER!.
And Nike is right, Lavar Ball is the worse thing that them. Along with Reebok, Adidas and every other sneaker brand. Because if other players start to capitalize on their own image and brand, they will start to do the same thing. Or players will link up in groups and make their own brands.
Imagine if Lebron, Westbrook, Harden and other star players decided to invest a couple million each into developing a brand and manufacturing sneakers? Hiring the same designers that make other sneakers for large brands. Leveraging their star power into relationships with major retailers.
They'd be a problem
Ok, as an entrepreneur for the past 10 years, who has not only ran my own company, but been blessed enough to be mentored by some true CEOs of all races and backgrounds, and have given advice to plenty of breh's on this board...Let me say why this is all a terrible idea by Lavar Ball.
First, I see a lot of people bigging him up, saying “Oh Nike and Adidas are scared” - LOL. No they are not. They are literally not scared of a thing.
One guy starting a line of t-shirts and shoes that barely anyone will purchase is not changing the game today. Owning a brand doesn’t mean slapping your logo on Hanes T-Shirts and awful looking shoes (as Master P and others found out years ago) - The black or urban community will not support that outside of loyalists.
The larger companies have the highest level shoe designers and distribution. And guess what - you don’t have to fit that bill. You are making 100% profit. That “Billy” that Lebron is pulling? All profit, and now he can invest it directly into his community, reputable business ideas and things that can employ the next few generations as a true businessman.
Clubs, clothes, etc are whats known as “vanity businesses” - people do them because it makes them look cool..”Yo I own this club, these are my own t-shirts” but in reality have a .01% success rate of longevity.
Most college kids, even Lavar Ball, don’t got the funds to invest to distribute their shoes to a million people across the USA right now, get bought in mass by FootLocker and then wait for retail back, all while footing the bill themselves. Thats just not feasible, and it requires Lonzos dad to take a lot of Lavar money to get this done. Its just not a solid business idea, when there are much smarter ways to spend your money.
People just slap him on the back and say “Yea stick it to the big man”, not thinking of the true logistics that a major brand like Nike or Adidas has to offer. Some businesses aren’t worth getting into when you can take free money from them and do something you actually have a passion for business-wise - its like creating your own cola and trying to get people to buy it over Coca-Cola because it has your name on it.
It’s just dumb, and no one is going to buy it. If he came into the game with less ego (ie. hiring some of the best shoe designers to freelance on some kicks and selling those designs to a major brand to produce) or better yet some top level urban marketing dudes (I had a marketing dude come up with an idea for BBB in .01 seconds. He said it should’ve been named “WeBall” - now tons of AAU kids and athletes would wear that and they could grow faster, because it speaks to the masses and promotes self-promotion which is what people want - as opposed to Big Baller Brand, just a wack name in todays culture.
I could go a lot further, but its just something cool to talk about on the internet but everybody knows you aint finna see people walking around your city wearing BBB lol.
Naw this is a halfnike hating on a strong black family.
Naw people gravitate to other brands and still get the every day known ones. It's all about who is pushing it. If Lonzo balls out and really becomes a Steph Curry type player, You will see BBB around. On a Nike level? No. But it has a chance.Here's why it wouldn't work:
the public is inherently loyal to particular brands. We might not even fukk with an offshoot of a brand if it's not from a brand we like. It wouldn't be any different than when every rapper had a clothing line. Some were wildly successful. Others just looked tacky and even the ones that succeeded sold their shyt off, kept the money, and then the brand effectively died because they became more interested in higher fashion.