Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that" "No do-over


Jul 3, 2018
Technically she is right...but if a group of people are promised something from the government then they better pay up...

Imagine how pissed white people would be if the government didnt give them their tax returns...

This is something I always talk to white people about when it comes to reparations and they start stuttering..I thought America is all about honor....honor your commitment to those you enslaved and oppressed..its only right
May 15, 2012
Native Americans got reparations, what's yall excuse for that one

5 dollar indians got reparations, we are the real native americans, white people know this

who told you, that you were african, the white man did not anybody from your family

if we were from african it would be no reason to take away our history and names, they had to disconnect black people from this land

they so called native americans are no different than the mexicans, a mullato sub race born of rape from the spainards

Creflo ½ Dollar

Aug 6, 2015
Are you serious??

Wherever black folks are concentrated the home values will be low. Black folks literally destroy wealth, and not because of some flaw with us. That's why their is white flight. Institutional racism makes black folks a contagion to wealth.

from What We Get Wrong About Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
Myth 2: The racial homeownership gap is the “driver” of the racial wealth gap

5 Richard Rothstein (2017) has made the following observation in a recent book on the racialized character of post-World War II social mobility policies:

"The Color of Law is concerned with consistent government policy that was employed in the mid-twentieth century to enforce residential racial segregation. There were many specific government actions that prevented African Americans and whites from living among one another, and I categorize them as unconstitutional...

For example, many African American World War II veterans did not apply for government-guaranteed mortgages for suburban purchases because they knew the Veterans Administration would reject them on account of their race, so applications were pointless. Those veterans then did not gain wealth from home equity appreciation as did white veterans, and their descendants could not inherit that wealth as did white veterans’ descendants.

Further, the racialized history of housing policy in the U.S., including residential segregation, redlining, and discriminatory credit practices, have exacerbated inequality in wealth and homeownership rates and have also contributed to the rate of return on the asset itself.

Part of the persistent wealth-gap across homeownership status may be explained by the fact that a home is one of the only assets in which the race of the owner affects the rate of return."

I think the first thing we got to do as black people is look in the mirror and check yourself. That’s the first step to every problem. We got some hard truths that we have to confront. We our own worst enemy..not saying the white man ain’t very much our enemy but I’m the sense thatnif we clear up and fix shyt we can fix than we will be better off and that whitw man shyt won’t matter as much

Y’all think somless of black people that y’all think we can’t overcome this bullshyt game these white plays.

Creflo ½ Dollar

Aug 6, 2015
Compared to black people, yes Asians are doing well.

Compared to where they were 50 years ago, yes Asians are doing well.

The number one rising power in the world today is China. And the fact that China is able to bully Hong Kong without Western powers being unable to do shyt about it is a sign of power, despite the fact people from Hong Kong do have legit claims.

Who cares about Asians neighborhood in SF? It's irrelevant. Homie was talking about global standing. Globally, black people are still behind.

Facts you see how Trump is like that ain’t our business when it comes to Hongkong but we got way much more business interests in hongkong than Venezuela but we bucking on Venezuela and shyt but quiet as mouse on HK.

Asians are doing better across the globe.

My point is that I think most black people are content with where they at now. It’s just the truth, but we got enough resources to close the gap but we just not closing the gap. And the main reason is because we really dnt want to as whole


Richest shooter
Jun 2, 2013
I think the first thing we got to do as black people is look in the mirror and check yourself. That’s the first step to every problem. We got some hard truths that we have to confront. We our own worst enemy..not saying the white man ain’t very much our enemy but I’m the sense thatnif we clear up and fix shyt we can fix than we will be better off and that whitw man shyt won’t matter as much

Y’all think somless of black people that y’all think we can’t overcome this bullshyt game these white plays.
Facts you see how Trump is like that ain’t our business when it comes to Hongkong but we got way much more business interests in hongkong than Venezuela but we bucking on Venezuela and shyt but quiet as mouse on HK.

Asians are doing better across the globe.

My point is that I think most black people are content with where they at now. It’s just the truth, but we got enough resources to close the gap but we just not closing the gap. And the main reason is because we really dnt want to as whole
Cacs have black hearts at the end of the day and all that honor shyt goes out the window when it come to suppressing black people.
Technically she is right...but if a group of people are promised something from the government then they better pay up...

Imagine how pissed white people would be if the government didnt give them their tax returns...

This is something I always talk to white people about when it comes to reparations and they start stuttering..I thought America is all about honor....honor your commitment to those you enslaved and oppressed..its only right

It's time to admit that white people scared to death to give black people reparations in fear of having to compete with us on equal footing.

We already done surpassed all their expectations and alot of black people done passed alot of poor white, Asian, Mexican people.

They'll rather die than have to compete with us starting at equal footing without having a headstart.

Black people should take them scared to give us reparations owed to us as a compliment. These people are so cowardly they'll rather die than to compete with black people because they know how great we are and they know how bad they would lose to us. It'll be exactly like sports. We dominate them in every sport and alot more sht.

These cowards think like this:

"Black people are already doing way better than we ever thought they'll do now imagine if we give them all the money we owe them they'll run laps around us and every other group it's no way we can let them embarrass us like that. Giving them the repercussions we owe them would show how superior and supreme they are and how inferior we are"


All Star
Feb 21, 2017
South Ful Co.
5 dollar indians got reparations, we are the real native americans, white people know this

who told you, that you were african, the white man did not anybody from your family

if we were from african it would be no reason to take away our history and names, they had to disconnect black people from this land

they so called native americans are no different than the mexicans, a mullato sub race born of rape from the spainards