They go back to laying down at white daddy's feet once again feeling secure as his number one pet.
First of all, Mexicans aren't leaving. This c00n pipe dream that we should side with white racists to get Mexicans deported is never going to happen. Even other white racists are backing away from Trump and that silly shyt he's talking yet you've got c00ns like marcuz advising blacks to side with him

The saddest part is this is all about fear. "In 2-3 generations these Mexicans will take all of the jobs". c00ns have no boss-spirit in them whatsoever. They're satisfied just living pay check to pay check working for white daddy. From what I've seen Mexicans aren't just coming here just to get jobs. They're coming here and creating their own economy so they can give each other jobs. Mexicans are coming here and putting themselves on. Instead of hating like petty insecure bytches we should be doing the same. We've got to stop the games and get on that "we're all we got" shyt. There's no reason that blacks can't get on grind and do the same thing. We've just got too many saboteurs spreading division and fear amongst us. You can't be scared of competition in a world that's only becoming more and more globalized.
I'm tellin y'all, these c00ns like marcuz, matt, ect are working for the other team.