The comments
i'm guessing they mean a latin driven movie, with a not only latin stars, but a story with undertones about the latin experience. maybe the afro vs the euro latins... some undertones on how the world views them as criminals and freeloaders... maybe it's set in central or south america
not just random mexican nikkas in a role that never touches on their actual culture... but like you said.. who the fukk do they have to tell that story
simple google search. Mile MORALES.
Yeah but he a black latino so there maybe someor you talking about the spider man from the future miguel o'hara
They need to go eat some tacos watch desperado and shut the Fuk up
What does this even mean?A lot of you nikkas ideal system would be the same current system but instead where blacks and/instead of whites at the top and everyone else at the bottom.
Isn't Armor King black though?
Yeah miguel o'hara came before miles he the spider-man of 2099I was talking about the miles dude.
Theres another Spanish spiderman ?
Plus they have zoro as well.
That’s a one hitter quitter