Biggest problem with trinity is that Blade suddenly got sloppy enough to get Whistler killed and their base exposed.
That was a bullshyt development and set up.
If you watch the earlier movies Blade didn't cause as much collateral damage and exposure publicly. So after all those years, he suddenly starts getting loud enough and less subtle?
That high speed chase was stupid, especially when he went right back home afterwards.
And lets talk about the night stalkers. Why are trained humans using karate on vampires just as good as Blade? I'm seeing Jessica Beal and Reynolds do damage only Blade should have been comfortable with dealing out in some fights. Naw. The choreography made them look like like his equal at times, so the consistancy was lacking.
Same with antagonists. They looked smart in one scene and incompetent or weak in others.
It was jarring like what happened in Bright. Will Smith shooting 3 cops or taking on assassin elves that took out a swat team should never have happened.
Drake was ...ok.